corazon x reader: a special someone

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The forest herbs were pretty much an important piece of collection for village doctors. Coming from a family of one themselves, you were out all day in the wild collecting anything and everything for testing and medicines. The sun was pretty high, and the wind was good. The forest did not shelter any dangerous beings so the only things that were needed to keep in mind were pirates and how one of them can just slash your throat without you knowing.

Since the weather was good and chill, you decided to dress up well. A simple white frock with frilled sleeves and buttons, with a hat to cover you up from the heat. The usual basket with a ribbon and another with food and water after work. 

"Mother, I'll be leaving now. Make sure to feed the patients food with salt...please".

"I always forget the salt...".

Sighing, you smiled and waved goodbye to your mother, leaving the house. The walk towards the forest was about fifteen minutes but you enjoyed it. Every time you walked by the beautiful view, the more enthralling it became.

"LAW! STAY WITH ME!". You heard someone yell. Coming closer to the sound, you peeped from behind a big tree. A man with a look that was unusual to what you see was frantically trying to wake a boy up, who looked like he can die any minute. Gasping, you rushed towards the two.

"What happened!". You yelled, without asking who he was or what he was doing here with a sick child. The man looked confused and took the boy in his arms, standing up.

"I asked what happened". You said again. The man did not respond to which you raised a brow. Looking at the boy in his arms, and broken glass in the other, you pretty much solved the puzzle.

"He looks very sick. Place him down!". You said, opening your basket. Corazon looked at you taking out a metal flask along with a white towel. He reluctantly placed down the boy by your side. Placing the wet towel on his forehead, you removed his buttoned shirt, wiping his body with another towel.

Unusual white marks were seen on his chest and that's when it hit you. White lead disease. Rosinante looked at you when he realized that you saw the boy's marks.

'Just like everyone else, she is going to run away'.

"He might be a survivor from Flevance! How long does the boy have left?!". You asked. The white patches were taking over his entire body and you were surprised as to how his little body was taking it well for most of it.

Rosinante gasped silently at your reaction. It was not what he expected.

"His limit is close...I was this close to curing it...". Rosinante spoke, earning a wide eye from you.

"There is a cure?!".

Rosinante eyed you as you continued wiping the boy's chest with a warm towel. He sat down, crossed legged and continued watching you do your job.

"Why aren't you running away?". He asked. You looked at the man, who was deeply immersed in his question, and you knew what he meant.

"That is not what doctors do". That's all you said. Rosinante slightly widened his eyes, as he sighed and smiled a little.

"I do not know how to cure this disease, but I'll do something about his rising temperature. Leave it to me...Mister...?".



The evening went with you looking after the boy, Trafalgar Law, and teaching Rosinante on how to deal with fever breakouts. Other than that he broke two of your soup bowls and slipped over a mat, almost falling from the side of a cliff.

"Cora-san...". Law slightly opened his eyes, as you and Rosinante crouched towards the boy. Law looked at you and got up in a jiff, raising an eyebrow.

"Law right? I'm Y/n. Nice to meet you". You smiled at the boy, to which he showed nothing but a doubtful expression.

Rosinante felt an unintentional urge to look at you. He felt your genuine concern and worry. It was the first time he came across someone who did not run away.  It was the first time he openly told his name to a stranger. 

"Y/n". Rosinante spoke, earning a look from you.

"I know I'm being too selfish but...would you look after his fever until he gets better...I will do anything-".

"I have already decided that I will, Rosinante-san". You smiled at him, who gave you a big creepy one back. Only seconds passed as Rosinante stretched his arms wide and hugged you. You were taken aback by the sudden action but gave in. They were good people and this man, somehow, was genuine and unique with everything he did, even his looks.

"Thank you! Law, say thank you to Y/n!". Rosinante picked Law up, twirling him around as the boy broke a small smile. Law looked at you, heaving a smile. You squealed internally at his cuteness, as you couldn't help but kiss the boy on the forehead.

Law went slightly red, making Rosinante laugh, and trip on the newly made soup.


"This is what you got yourself into, ane-san. Still in for it?". Law smirked, crossing his arms.

"Ouch, Law". 

You giggled at the big man's childishness, as you nodded at Law's answer. Rosinante watched you and Law, as he couldn't help but bring out genuine happiness. He watched you make the boy laugh, and feed him the food you made. He was glad that Law had someone else that he was getting close to. Someone good. And he couldn't help but find you extremely charming.

This was the first time someone made him feel that way.

Almost like he found someone for him, and for his little boy.

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