ace x reader: jerk ( 1 )

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(high school au )

"Why why why why!!!!!!". You squealed and wailed at your best friend Vivi who was trying her best to calm you down. The semester just began and the worst-case scenario just happened to be on your side. 

Portgas D. Ace




Covering up your face with your hoodie, you side-eyed the boy as he walked past you towards his seat, without even noticing your presence. Sighing in relief, you slowly looked back up. 

"He won't take long to figure out". Vivi said.

"Yeah, but anything to not let him see my face. At least not today. Or tomorrow. Or ever".

"Y/'s okay. It happened six to seven months ago so just forget it".

"You don't get it. I wish I could just turn back time and stop that from happening...".


some six months ago

Ace. Everyone likes Ace. Girls swooned over him, while the boys were envious. The usual. The only time you could actually be in the same class with him was when the both of you had lab class. More like, 'Lab-Is-An-Excuse-For-Girls-To-Simp-For-Ace' class. It even reached a point where even the teacher in charge partially gave up. You had a crush on him since grade three. But even the thought of getting it out of your chest was something you would never do. After all, there are tons of other girls who look like they model for a living...what were the chances that he would even look at you.

It should have just been that way. 

"Today I'll finally muster up the courage to at least give Ace a peek of my interest in him!". You told Vivi as the both of you were having lunch.

"Let's go! It'll be fine Y/n. If he doesn't accept you, he's got a rotten taste for ladies". 

"Stupid! I am not all that...".

"What are you saying? The only thing that makes you look a little tacky is the way your hair is done. What is this? A crow nest?".


"All for your benefit".

The class came to an end and the students rushed out. Vivi pulled you into the bathroom and helped you with your hair. She also did a little something on your face.

"God, is this really needed?".

"Oh my god. Who is this person?".

"Shut up".

"No seriously. I am jealous". Vivi smiled at the result. You looked at the mirror, surprised. You liked how you looked.

"Thank you Vivi. Now I just need to get it out of my chest. Nothing can go wrong...nothing can go wrong...".

"You are overthinking it. What can possibly go wrong?".

Nodding, the both of you walked towards the quadrangle as the students were parting ways for the day. Spotting Ace, you saw him talk to his friend Marco. He had girls around him, and you were contemplating suddenly.


"Yeah! I am doing this. If he says no..then...then no! Whatever".

The girls finally left their clutch on the boy's arm as they were leaving. You walked up to Ace, panicking a little. Marco seemed to take a glance at you, as he slightly whispered something to the black-haired boy. Turning around, Ace finally met your eyes. You did not know how to react. Diverting your gaze elsewhere, you took in small breathes to calm yourself down.

"H-hi Ace". Shit that did not go well.

"Y/n right?".

Shocked enough that he knew you, you nodded, smiling a little. Maybe he does remember you. After all, you guys went to the same school from grade three. Even the Lab class must have helped.


"So, is there something you want to tell me?". He asked, leaning back on the quadrangle fence, hands crossed. A little crowd of boys and girls were gathered behind the both of you. Some whispers were heard while some of them were boys cooing.

"LOOKS LIKE Y/N FROM CLASS D IS GONNA ASK ACE OUT!". Someone yelled. You quickly diverted your gaze from the boy, looking down. He let out a tone of questioning, scratching his head.

"Is that it?". He said, making you slightly widen your eyes.

'Is..that it...?'

Your motivation swept down the gutter as those words came out of his mouth. But now there was no turning back. It was better to tell it than run away to look like an absolute fool. Vivi was standing a few feet away from you, concerned. Clenching your fists, you found the courage to look back at him again.

"I-I like you, Ace".

The seconds of silence after those words were like a ticking time bomb to you. You could already hear people laughing, and more muttering. Ace raised a brow, as he sighed.

"That's the eighth confession today". He said without any hesitation. The words hit you like a truck, as tears slowly started forming in your eyes.


"You should have guessed it beforehand. Why would you think that I'll accept your confession. A little pathetic if you ask me".

'Stop...stop it'.

"I'm so-".

"I'm not interested in weird girls like you. Scram". Taking his backpack, Ace motioned Marco that he was leaving. Sighing, Marco followed his friend, out of the school quadrangle. You stood there, re-analyzing whatever happened. Vivi came rushing to your side, as she patted your back.

"Seriously, I expected you to have a little more knowledge about the boy you like". A random girl said, coming out of nowhere.

You did not want to respond to that. Everyone in the school quadrangle was talking and crowing about what just happened. You just wanted to turn into dust.

"You should know his type. Clearly not someone like you". She continued, laughing.

"Not funny! Leave!". Vivi yelled, only for the girl to continue her snickering.

"Y/n let's get out of here". Vivi said, calming you down. Head down low, you followed your best friend back to the school classroom, as the tears fell down miserably.


"He could have just said no! He could have just politely turned me down! Now I...look like a pathetic girl who just got disowned".

Vivi hugged you as you cried in her shoulders. This was a bad idea, you knew. But keeping the feelings in for more would not do any good either, you thought.

"At least that burden is relax. I'll come over for the night, okay?". Vivi asked, patting your back. Nodding, you wiped your tears, ready to get the hell out of the school premises.


Yeah. So there was no way in hell, that you are going to be okay to have the reason for your utter humiliation, to attend the same class as you for the rest of the damn semester.

Ace looked up from his book, at the pair who was slightly whispering and murmuring. You quickly got his attention. Smiling a little, he looked down again as if nothing happened.

( there will be part two <3<3 )

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