kid x reader: rivalry but not really

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Some dumb idiot had to mess with a celestial dragon ( our dumb idiot ). Thus it lead the marine soldiers and even a fricking admiral to take action in Sabaody Archipelago any minute. You were the captain of one of the most notorious women-only pirate crew, The Cross Angel Pirates.  Your crew decided to visit Archipelago, to cross the Red Line. Everything was going well until reports of incidents related to some stupid pirate attacking celestial dragons came into the crowd's ears.

Which dumb idiot would even do that? 

Moreover, you even witnessed another green hair idiot wielding his sword towards a Noble. If Bonney hadn't done her little act, all of you would have been dead. For real. Currently trying to find ways to the exit without coming across any soldiers, you gave jobs to your crewmates to guard the ship and take action whenever necessary.

"Captain, we are ready to strike anytime". A lady with armed weapons said, coming towards you.

"Good. Take positions and don't fret. Kill anyone who stands in your way if needed. Got it?".

"Yes, Captain".

Coming across a bar, you decided to spend a while there until further notices would be revealed. The place was crowded and all you wanted was some peace and quiet.

"So you were still alive". You heard a voice say. Looking around, you noticed a man with bright red hair, smirking at you, legs on the table with a glass of whiskey in his hands.

"Tch". You scoffed, taking a seat a few feet away from the man's table.

"That was an expected reaction. So, you're alone? Where is your little minion girls?". Eustass Kid teased, grinning at your annoyed expression.

"Leave me alone Kid. I am not in the mood".

"Grumpy as ever, Y/n of the Cross Angels Pirates. Never expected meeting you here. Do you still remember what you did to me?".

You suddenly giggled, looking at his annoyed face. A while ago you and Eustass Kid of the Kid Pirates emerged in a tiny battle of pride. Being rivals from the rookie years, it was your ultimate goal to shame the man, since your grudge on him was big.

Nothing serious, he was just a dick.

"What is so funny?". He gritted through his teeth.

"I couldn't get over how much you yelled that day". You laughed, holding your tummy. Kid scoffed, gulping down the contents in his glass.

"Laugh all you want, twig. I will get revenge on you someday".

"Too late. Don't you know about the marines?".

"Do you need some protection? I can help!". He taunted again, making you irk with the urge of wanting to choke him to death.

"I can take care of myself, moron". You shouted. Kid chuckled, getting up.

"Whatever. I can hear a big commotion outside. Looks like we are cornered". 

You followed Kid's gaze to the window. Mortars were aligned and soldiers were standing on their stance. They were ready to attack anytime.

"Tch. When I wanted some peace". Getting up, you put on your jacket and left for the entrance door.

"You crazy? They can catch you in a second if you leave like that". Kid called, standing up from his seat.

"Concerned?". You smirked, only to make him more annoyed. Crossing his hands over his chest, Kid scoffed.

"Do whatever you want".

Bringing your hands in position, you kicked open the door to the bar. The soldiers noticed you and quickly notified the others.

"That is Y/n from the Cross Angel Pirates worth 250 million berries as her bounty! Catch her!". One of them yelled. You smirked, coming out of the bar.

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