sanji x reader: inspiration

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"DAD!" Your little brother yelled as he looked at your father, murmuring and grunting.

"Yeah, yeah. We will be there any minute now".

"I'M HUNGRY". He yelled again. Groaning, you went towards him, bonking on his head with your fist. He wailed. 

"Keep it down, dumbass. You are making me lose concentration".

"All you ever do is sit there and write your stupid story. This is a matter of hunger, which believe it or not, is more important than what you are doing". He teased you, putting his tongue out. Sighing in annoyance, you bothered not to talk back. What was even the point, because brothers...

Three days of sea sailing has made everyone go hungry. You, your brother, and your father were sailers. The food ran out during these three days, but luckily a famous sea restaurant was near, so everyone was getting ready to have a feast. The sea restaurant was in sight. It was a big place. Mouth a little wide, you walked closer to the ship rails looking outside.  An oval ship, with three decks and an array of cannons on the side.  It had a fish head as the front piece. Helping yourself down the ladder, you skipped into the restaurant. The place was already filled with people having all sorts of delicious stuff.  Your brother ran towards an empty seat, soon followed by your dad. 

"Papa, I'll be somewhere else. A good setting, this is. Gotta jot down". Nodding his head, your father smiled. Initially, you were not a sailor at first. It was just your father and brother. But hearing all the wonderful things about their voyages, made you want to come with them. Sailing and exploring gave you ideas for your stories. Different scenarios and themes. It was the perfect way to come across different concepts.

"Aren't you hungry?". Your brother asked.

"I'll be back in a few. Keep some for me, if you don't mind".

"I mind".

"You suck".

"Not more than you".

He always has a way to disown you with the comebacks. Sighing again, you walked towards the open balcony. The wind was nice and cool. Setting your palms on the balcony rails, you closed your eyes, trying to find something to write down. Opening your eyes, you noticed someone a few feet away from you. It was a young man, whom you didn't notice when you came in.

"How unique...". You spoke silently to yourself as you looked at him. Blonde hair, great build, fascinating brows, smoking a cigarette, and probably a chef... 

Perfect to be the main character. 

Taking your journal, you noted down his features.  Moreover, he was just too charming that you couldn't keep your eyes away from him.

"You've been looking at me for a while, pretty lady".

A little pink crept up your cheeks when he called you pretty. You started panicking a little, as he came closer to you, cig still in his mouth.

"I-I'm sorry, I-".

"What is it that you were doing?". His voice was gentle and manly. You did not know what to say. He would probably find you extremely weird if you said that he was so enthralling as an inspiration, that you couldn't help but study his beautiful features to probably make him the next character of your story.

A man that you have not even met...

"I was just uh-I am sorry sir. I didn't mean to...". You had your head down, clearly embarrassed. His eyes widened a little as he understood that he was making you flustered.

"I didn't say it was a problem". You looked at him smirking a little. Feeling a little relieved you decided to spill the beans.

"You were just...something I looked to in a character".

The man's cheeks went a little red as he did not take his gaze away from you.

"I write stories, and you were a part of my usual inspiration. Sorry if it made you uncomfortable".

"No! I'd love to be your inspiration". 

He said it so bluntly that your half-red face went full tomato mode. He really accepted your weird offer, even though the both of you were strangers.

"Really? You don't find it weird?".

"I don't see how being a beautiful girl's inspiration is weird".

A small smile crept up your cheek as you nodded, excitedly. Taking out your book, you showed him what you wrote, and some short stories as he insisted you to.

"You write so charmingly. Have you decided on a female character yet?".

"Haven't found the inspiration".

"I can tell you one".

"Really? Is there an extremely unique and elegant lady in this restaurant that I can take inspiration from, this time by asking...?".

He smiled at your eager face, as he shook his head.

"You're the inspiration".

A blushing mess you were. Looking away from his face, you were totally taken aback. He seemed to notice and giggled a little.

"Haven't you ever thought about making you an inspiration?". He asked.

"Didn't think about that".

"Make yourself one. Would be a real shame if you didn't".

"Thank you, Sanji".

Sanji grinned, getting up and helping you to your feet.

"I think I have to get going. My father is a busy man".

"That is too bad. I would have loved to have you here for a little while more".

You smiled at the blonde man. Looking at your book, you thought and decided on how this would be your first story.

"I'll be back. After all the first copy will be given to you". You said, grinning big at his red face. Taking your hand closer to his face, he caressed it tenderly, nodding.

"I'll be here so take your time, Y/n".

"Y/N IS FLIRTING!". You heard your brother yelling. Sanji turned around, chuckling soon after he saw the young boy.

"IDIOT! GET BACK HERE!". Running after him you turned around a little bit, waving goodbye to the man.

"An inspiration...".

He said to himself.

"How beautiful".

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