Chapter 2: Stained Glass Windows And Rose Colored Glasses

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Taehyun groaned and rolled over to turn off his alarm. He hadn't slept a wink, just as he had expected. He was still exhausted from yesterday, but he had work to do. He figured he could sleep when he's dead. Maybe that would be soon. He reluctantly got out of bed, randomly grabbing some clothes from his dresser and making his way to the bathroom. After going through his morning routine, he stopped to study his reflection in the mirror. He noticed the dark circles under his eyes were more prominent than usual, but he wasn't surprised at all. He let out a soft sigh as he undressed and hopped in for a cold shower.

While washing himself, he let his mind wander back to Dagou and the Chois. All his worries and concerns from yesterday rushed back into his mind as he allowed himself to imagine his future a month from now. He was beginning to get another headache already, his head a pounding powder keg that felt like it could blow at any minute. How was Soobin so sure he could do this? Any little slip of the tongue or odd body language would get him shot on the spot. Hell, if he even looked at Choi's son the wrong way he was a goner. He imagined all the ways it could all go wrong, his anxiety getting the best of him. He snapped out of the daze he had fallen into when he noticed he had scrubbed his arm raw, red stinging skin staring back up at him. With a soft sigh, he turned off the water, hopping out and drying himself with his large blue fluffy towel. He fixed his hair in the mirror carefully before applying deodorant and cologne. After hastily pulling on the clothes he brought with him, he made his way out of the bathroom and into the kitchen to make himself some toast to eat on the walk to work.

Surprisingly, after zoning out in the shower and almost scrubbing his arm off, his mind was mostly blank. He tried to focus on each mundane task while he bustled around the kitchen, appreciating the simplicity of his life while he still could. In half an hour he could think about his future. Right now he just wanted to enjoy the small plain pleasures of life.

Much to Taehyun's distaste, the time for him to leave eventually rolled around. He dejectedly pulled on his shoes on his way out the door, taking his time to stall as long as he could. He left his apartment building with his head down, letting his soft hair fall in his eyes as he watched the concrete underneath his feet like it was the most interesting thing in the world. Even the people he passed on the street noticed his heavy steps and somber aura.

He reached the station quickly and without issue, very much unlike his hectic journey the morning before. He finally dragged his gaze up from the ground once inside the building, taking comfort in his familiar surroundings. Now- where was Kai's office again? Taehyun walked over to scan the directory he knew was on the first floor. While he was reading through the names, a young man about Taehyun's age bumped into his back, causing both of them to stumble.

"Oh- I'm so sorry- wait, Taehyun?" The peculiar young man started, interrupting himself halfway through his sentence. Taehyun just stared back at him confusedly. He had never met this guy before in his life, how did he know his name?

"Yeah, it's fine. Sorry, but, who are you?" Taehyun replied curiously, looking the young man over. He was taller than Taehyun, but had a youthful face. Taehyun estimated that they were around the same age. Maybe he was a new recruit? He had welcoming honey brown eyes and a brilliant smile- he seemed too pure to be an officer, Taehyun thought. Someone that benevolent looking should be a teacher or doctor.

"Right!" The mystery man exclaimed, flashing Taehyun a radiant smile, "I'm Kai. We will be working together starting today. I'm assuming you were looking for my office...You're a bit early but if you're that eager, we can get started right away!" He joked, giving Taehyun a light playful punch on the shoulder. When Taehyun just stared at him, Kai giggled softly.

Taehyun's mouth fell open slightly. This was Kai? Taehyun didn't really have any expectations, but when Soobin had told him that Kai had experience with undercover work, he pictured an old balding man in his fifties, not a fresh-faced kid with a dazzling smile and a laugh like bells.

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