Chapter 16: The Tower

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Taehyun didn't know it was possible to feel this good. Every time Beomgyu touched him, every place their skin made contact, it felt like it was burning with the strength of a thousand suns. Every sensation was amplified exponentially, making Taehyun even more sensitive than he was before. He wondered to himself if this was heaven.

After round four, he laid back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling, panting. His body was exhausted, but his mind was in a state of euphoria. He was at the peak of his high now, and he wanted to take his time to really enjoy it. He wondered if he would ever feel this good again.

Beomgyu was to his left, laying on his side, studying Taehyun's side profile; Taehyun could see him out of the corner of his eye. Beomgyu's pupils were blown, and he was breathing heavily, covered in a thin sheen of sweat. Maybe it was just the drugs talking, but Taehyun thought Beomgyu looked so ethereal like this. His damp hair, half-lidded eyes, and plump lips made him irresistible. He looked perfect. Taehyun eventually gave into the temptation, turning on his side to face the elder.

"Hyung," he slurred, bringing his right hand up to push Beomgyu's hair out of his eyes. Beomgyu closed his eyes and leaned into the touch.

"Yes?" Beomgyu answered gingerly, voice quiet. Taehyun tried to think of the best way to phrase his question. He knew he should ask while he was feeling brave from his high and Beomgyu wasn't clear-minded, but he couldn't find the right words. He strained his brain, trying to word his question correctly so that it was vague enough to not be suspicious sounding, but direct enough that Beomgyu would give him a good answer.

"How do you do it?" he decided on, hoping that Beomgyu would know what he was talking about. Unfortunately, luck wasn't on his side.

"Do what?" Beomgyu asked, confused. He blinked a few times, trying to keep his hold on reality. He was tired from both the drugs and their activities, so his mind wasn't in the best place right now. He didn't understand what Taehyun was asking.

"Everything. Keep everyone in line, avoid the police, maintain some semblance of a personal life. Isn't it hard?" Taehyun asked, now stroking Beomgyu's hair. He wished it was an innocent question and that there were no ulterior motives behind it, because he did genuinely want to know, but in the end, the way that Beomgyu answered this question could be damning.

Beomgyu was quiet for a second, pondering the question. He studied Taehyun's face, trying to read his expression. Suddenly, tears started leaking from Beomgyu's eyes again, wetting the pillowcase he was resting on. It was subconscious; Beomgyu didn't even know he had started crying again until he felt the tears run down his cheeks.

"It's so hard, Taehyun-ah," Beomgyu whimpered, moving to hide his face in his hands. Taehyun immediately reached up and pulled the older's hands away from his face, not allowing him to hide.

"It's okay; tell me about it. I'll listen to you," Taehyun said softly, intertwining their fingers. He felt like crying himself. Beomgyu was still a broken child at heart, and nothing Taehyun was saying was out of good faith. He was exploiting Beomgyu for his own gain. How was that justice?

Beomgyu looked at Taehyun with the most loving gaze either of them had ever experienced. Besides Yeonjun, no one had ever asked Beomgyu how he felt, how he was doing, if he was okay. But Yeonjun was Yeonjun, and Taehyun was different. Beomgyu had known that Taehyun was different from the others when he had first seen him, and he was right. Taehyun was loving, caring, and genuinely wanted to help. Beomgyu had never met anyone like him.

"They talk about me when they think I'm not looking," Beomgyu started, looking down.

"Who?" Taehyun asked, disconnecting their hands so he could place his finger under Beomgyu's chin and tilt it up so they were forced to make eye contact. "Who talks about you?"

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