Chapter 13: Power Dynamics

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A/N: heyy~ sorry for the late update. i almost forgot i had this wattpad account lollll, my final exams are coming, too, so im planning to release them all today. nevertheless, hope you enjoy these last chapters :)


Before he could comprehend what was happening, Kai felt a searing pain in his lower abdomen. It quickly spread through his veins like a bolt of lightning, so intense that he could feel it all the way down to his fingertips. He let out a grunt at the sensation, hands instinctively shooting up to cover the wound. But before he could, Taehyun ripped the knife out of the injury roughly, pushing Kai to the verge of passing out. The pain shot throughout his body again, white hot. It made him dizzy.

Without missing a beat, Taehyun thrusted the knife forward two more times, causing Kai to fall to his knees after the third impact. Then, just as soon as it had happened, like nothing occurred at all, Taehyun turned and walked away. Kai watched him as he left, hoping for his own sanity that Taehyun would turn back, apologize, something. But he maintained a steady pace, walking to the car that he had arrived in without looking back once.

Eventually, the pain became too much and Kai squeezed his eyes shut, curling in on himself as he tried to put pressure on his wounds. He was bleeding out on the pavement, the once dull sidewalk now becoming a vibrant red. As he faded in and out of consciousness, he heard people around him begin to scream as they realized what happened. The last thing he saw as he slipped into unconsciousness was the gentle fall of the first snow.


Soobin was in his office, working like usual. He sighed, throwing down the file he had been looking at. Ever since Taehyun left, the workload had doubled. Soobin hardly slept these days, between waiting up for Taehyun to call and picking up the slack now that Taehyun wasn't around to do office work. He looked out his window. It had begun to snow, the first one of the year. He smiled at the sight before the worries flooded back into his mind.

It seemed like Soobin's concern and worries about Taehyun grew with each passing day. His calls were becoming less frequent, and if he was being honest, Taehyun was sounding more unstable each time they spoke. Soobin bit his lip. This was all his fault. Taehyun would never be the same after everything; no amount of therapy or rehabilitation would be enough to erase the scars that were now deeply etched into his mind. And Soobin had pushed it, told Taehyun he could do it, reassured the higher ups that Taehyun was the right man for the job. If anything happened to Taehyun, Soobin would never be able to forgive himself.

Soobin was still wallowing in self doubt and concern when he felt a vibration in his pocket. He quickly realized that it wasn't his normal phone, but his second phone, his burner phone. Only two people knew this phone number, Taehyun and Kai. Of course, it could be a spam call, but Soobin had a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach that the call was important. He answered on the first ring.

"Taehyun?" Soobin anxiously blurted, eager to speak to the younger.

"Um, no," someone on the other line answered, causing Soobin to blink his eyes in surprise. It was a feminine voice. If it wasn't Taehyun, that had to mean that this person somehow got his number from-

"My name is Sooyoung, I'm a medical student; calling from Holy Spirit Hospital. We responded to a call about an attack outside Seoul about a half an hour ago- the victim had no identification on his person other than a small piece of paper that said 'Call this number in case of emergency,' and this phone number. The ambulance made it here about five minutes ago, but he is in critical condition. Are you aware of the patient's identity? Are you a relative?" She spoke smoothly and calmly, obviously experienced.

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