Chapter 15: Judgement Day

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Warning: a slight hint of smut


Soobin fished the phone out of his pocket slowly, letting it ring for two, three, four times before answering. He wanted to know what Taehyun had to say, but at the same time, he was hesitant to talk to him. Soobin honestly wasn't sure how he would react, especially after seeing Kai cry like that. He closed his eyes.

Taehyun, on the other hand, was beginning to panic. Soobin always picked up on the first ring, ready to hear whatever it was that Taehyun had to tell him. However, this time, Soobin's response was delayed. A million different scenarios started running through Taehyun's mind. Maybe he wasn't answering because there was an emergency in the department, maybe Soobin was cutting him off, maybe he wasn't answering because Kai was dead. Maybe he wasn't answering because Kai was dead.

Bile started to rise in Taehyun's throat. He felt sick. If Kai had died, he wouldn't be able to live with himself. He let the thought marinate in his mind, turning it over and over again, like meat cooking over a flame. Much to Taehyun's relief, the call connected a second later, dispelling some of his worries.


Taehyun had never been more relieved to hear Soobin's voice. He wasted no time in getting to the chase.

"Hyung!" Taehyun cried, voice cracking. "Kai; is Kai okay?" There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line. It wasn't long at all, but if it had lasted any longer, Taehyun would have lost his mind.

"He's fine," Soobin eventually replied in an even tone, sounding so calm that he surprised himself. "He went into emergency surgery, and he's in the hospital now." It wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the whole truth either. Soobin decided no to tell Taehyun about his conversation with Kai. It would only complicate things.

Taehyun nodded before he remembered Soobin couldn't see him. He ran a hand through his hair while trying to formulate a response.

"Beomgyu-hyung made me do it. I'm so sorry Soobin, I'm so sorry. Please tell Kai I'm sorry. If I didn't do it, it would have ruined everything." He spoke, blinking rapidly. "I have come so far without messing up, and I didn't want to risk disobeying an order, and-" He was beginning to ramble, he knew that, but he had to try to justify his actions. He cut himself off so he could quit while he was ahead. He didn't even notice his slip of the tongue.

Taehyun wasn't dumb; he knew the chief would not be happy once he found out about this. He probably already knew. Taehyun wanted to relay his side of the story while he could, before they started pointing fingers without seeing the whole picture. He knew there was no justification for what he had done, but he could still try.

Soobin was silent on the other end. Quite frankly, he was speechless.

"Beomgyu-hyung?" Soobin asked quietly. He licked his lips, anger slowly building inside.

Taehyun scrambled to fix his mistake once he realized what he had said.

"I- He-" he started.

"When did you start calling him that? Was it when you were fucking him?" Soobin interrupted, voice growing in volume. He tried to hold back his anger, but the image of Kai in his hospital bed was enough to break down any sense of formality or politeness he had left.

Taehyun snapped his mouth shut. He hadn't told Soobin about any of the times he and Beomgyu had had sex.

"How did you-" Taehyun whispered, afraid of the answer.

"Or perhaps was it when he was fucking you ?" Soobin yelled. He was losing both his patience and his self-control. He didn't actually want to know the answer, it didn't matter. He just wanted to get under Taehyun's skin and make him feel bad.

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