Chapter 10: The Red Carnation

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A/N: hi im backkk
im sorry for disappering for a long time because i forgot this book even existed lol =)))) but dont worry im backkk
Taehyun spent the entire ride back to Seoul imagining all the ways that Beomgyu could possibly react to him coming back empty-handed. Worst case scenario, of course, would be Beomgyu killing him on the spot, no remorse for an employee who couldn't complete a simple assignment. Taehyun thought back to Jung's death. It was a distant memory now, although still vivid and fresh in Taehyun's mind. It was obvious that cause of death was important to Beomgyu; Jung's had been fitting for his crimes, and Park's had been up close and personal because of Taehyun's relation to him. If Beomgyu decided he was going to kill Taehyun, Taehyun wondered how he would do it.

Taehyun wasn't sure what the best case scenario would be. Beomgyu could be unpredictable at times, this trait presumably amplified when he was out of drugs and craving another hit. Would it really be fine that Taehyun had failed in his mission; would Beomgyu just let it go? Taehyun tried to imagine what he would do if he was in this situation. He had never done any sort of drugs before, so he had no idea how Beomgyu's brain must be working right now. However, if Taehyun were an heir of one of the biggest gangs in South Korea, and one of his men had just failed an easy mission... He shivered. Logically, things weren't looking too good for him at the moment. Taehyun didn't believe in God, but if there was an afterlife and Taehyun failed his mission because of a quarrel with Yeonjun, he would spend eternity regretting it. Soobin and Kai were rooting for him behind the scenes, and Taehyun refused to let them down. He had already failed Park, and he wasn't about to fail them too. He hoped it didn't have to come to that.

The car pulled up to the apartment building smoothly, the familiar sight coming into view. Taehyun uncomfortably adjusted his suit jacket. If he was about to die, at least he would go out in style.

Like always, the driver opened the car door for Taehyun, allowing him to exit without hassle. Taehyun took a deep breath before heading towards the building. He decided to be as confident as possible given the circumstances, so he could at least die with dignity if it came to that. He raised his chin as he made long strides towards the door. He could feel the cold breeze nipping at his face, another sign of the incoming winter. An involuntary shiver ripped through his body as he approached.

Beomgyu's guards that were stationed in the lobby were alerted of the situation beforehand, so they led Taehyun directly to the right elevator after holding open the front door for him. One of them swifty typed the code in to call the elevator while Taehyun waited in silence, the fear and uncertainty creeping back into his mind.

The elevator came quicker than normal, at least to an anxiety-ridden Taehyun. He stepped inside with a quick nod to himself, once again trying to reassure his mind that everything would be fine. He felt like he was going in circles, switching from reassurance to morbid dread. The cycle seemed never ending. The elevator doors slid shut with ease. Taehyun pressed the only button, the one with the unfamiliar Chinese characters, and waited for the elevator to begin his ascent.

Taehyun stared at the button as the elevator rose. Two months ago, he would have pulled out his phone and tried to translate the foreign characters, always eager to learn something new. However, right now he was too concerned about living through the next five minutes to care. Maybe if he lived, he would ask Beomgyu about it.

With that thought, the elevator doors chimed, signaling his arrival to the top floor. Taehyun stepped out with care. As usual, there was a man outside of Beomgyu's door, guarding it. Taehyun made his way down the long white hallway; it felt like it was millions of miles and only a couple of steps long at the same time. Taehyun stared at Beomgyu's front door the whole time, nervously wondering what fate awaited him behind it. The only sound was his footsteps against the floor, creating a rhythm one would hear only in a death march.

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