Chapter 7: Use Me Like A Drug

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Warning: smut chapter ahead 🔥


Taehyun stilled, not prepared for an unexpected visitor. He allowed himself to make eye contact with Beomgyu, shooting him a questioning look. Taehyun wondered if Beomgyu would bring up last night, if he was even watching him. He hoped he wouldn't.

Out of the corner of his eye, Taehyun noticed a small black box tucked under Beomgyu's arm. His reward. Taehyun raised an eyebrow at the sight, but didn't ask. Beomgyu did not offer any more of an explanation, so Taehyun just internally sighed and nodded his head.
"Yeah," he vocalized, leaning down to pick up his keys from the hallway floor. He quickly unlocked the door and made his way inside, choosing to sit down on the couch in the living room. The late morning sun shone through the large window, illuminating Beomgyu's face and giving the illusion of fire dancing in his eyes when he walked in. Beomgyu made his way over to where Taehyun was sitting and gracefully took a seat next to him, sitting an appropriate distance away this time. He set the black box on the table, expressionless.

Beomgyu's dainty fingers worked on the latches of the box quietly. Taehyun felt a shiver run down his spine, absolutely terrified at what Beomgyu had in store for him. What could be in this black box that would be an acceptable reward for killing another person, especially one that Taehyun was close to? Fortunately, Taehyun didn't have to wait long to find out.

Beomgyu opened the box to reveal a sleek black handgun, brand new and expensive-looking. Taehyun gasped with surprise, appreciating the beauty of the firearm. Beomgyu looked pleased with Taehyun's reaction. He carefully pulled the gun out of the box, tilting it so it would reflect the morning sun streaming in through the window.

"This is for you. It'll make it quicker next time, and you won't have to touch anyone if you don't want to," Beomgyu uttered, eyes watching Taehyun carefully.

Taehyun took in a shallow breath. Any pleasant feelings that Taehyun had experienced while admiring the beauty of the gun were ripped away. Beomgyu's words echoed in his mind- next time. Of course, Taehyun had expected that Beomgyu would make him kill again, but hearing Beomgyu say it out loud was more impactful than imagining it in his head.

He was also uneasy with how kind Beomgyu was being to him. What had happened to Beomgyu in the past twenty-four hours that made him be this generous? He didn't seem to be this considerate to Taehyun before, so what changed?

"Also- I want you to start coming to my meetings with me. If we ever get attacked, you'll need protection." Beomgyu added casually. He watched Taehyun to gauge his reaction, unsure of what his response would be. Taehyun nodded slightly, still trying to process everything and compartmentalize it all in his head. He was still trying to process Park's death, and now Beomgyu was giving him a deadly weapon to prepare for the next one.

If Beomgyu noticed Taehyun's inner turmoil, he didn't mention it. Instead, he chose to change the subject, breaking whatever awkward silence there was between them.

"Have you ever worked with a gun before? Do you know how to handle it, or do you need me to teach you?" Beomgyu asked.

Taehyun knew how to use a gun, of course. In both his academy training and time with Kai, Taehyun had learned the ins and outs of a gun like it was the back of his own hand. However, from Beomgyu's perspective, Taehyun would have no reason to ever handle a gun, so Beomgyu probably assumed that he had never touched one before. Plus, for selfish reasons, Taehyun was curious how Beomgyu would teach him to handle the weapon. It was time to truly test out Taehyun's acting skills. He had learned how to reload in milliseconds, the muscle memory developed from many repetitions of the skill, but now he had to pretend he was clueless.

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