Chapter 9: Heaven And Hell

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After Beomgyu left, Taehyun continued to ponder the possible consequences for his actions and the implications it created. He turned it inside out, upside down, and rightside up again in his mind, trying to debate whether the event had transpired out of pure selfishness and desire, or out of need to succeed in his mission. To be honest, he didn't know if he actually wanted to find the answer to that question. It scared him. Eventually, after an unknown amount of time of moral dilemmas and internal warfare, his head started to pound and he decided he had had enough.

However, there was nothing that he could do to push Beomgyu out of his mind. Beomgyu came like the ocean's waves, constantly crashing up against the shore that was Taehyun, never ceasing. It didn't help that they hadn't finished earlier. Much to Taehyun's dismay, he couldn't clear his mind like he wanted to, a trace of Beomgyu always stuck in the corners no matter how much he mopped. No amount of internal moral conflict could scrub him away. After Beomgyu had abruptly ran off, Taehyun was left wanting. He bit his lip. Beomgyu had gone to a meeting, so he wouldn't be watching the cameras, right? There was no doubt that everything was being recorded, but as busy as Beomgyu was, he would never have the time to watch the tapes unless he needed to. That meant Taehyun was free to do as he pleased (or so he thought). Hell, even if Beomgyu was watching, it wasn't like there was anything that he hadn't seen before, tasted before. Taehyun still felt unfinished, unsatisfied from how things ended earlier, so he decided he would just take care of his problem himself. He quickly made his way into his bedroom, trying not to let his thoughts and doubts consume him again, desperate for a quick release to clear his mind.

He stripped all of his clothes off before sliding under the covers, planning to just take a shower anyway when he was finished. The cool fabric slid across his smooth skin, the texture pleasant against his body. It didn't take him long to get hard again- all he had to do was think of Beomgyu's skin against his.

It wasn't long before the covers got in the way, distracting Taehyun from the task at hand. He flipped them off, irritated, not missing a beat in his rhythm. Taehyun moaned loudly, arching his back and feeling his muscles tense under his skin. He tried to imagine what it would be like if Beomgyu were there, teasing him and encouraging Taehyun to keep going for him. The image in his mind was so vivid and erotic that it had Beomgyu's name spilling out of Taehyun's lips, the pleasure too intense to keep in any longer.

"B-Beomgyu," Taehyun breathed, increasing his pace slightly. His hand was a blur around his dick now.

Remembering the face that Beomgyu had made when he came was enough to push Taehyun over the edge, spilling onto his stomach and hand. It was an image that Taehyun wished he could permanently burn into his memory. He loved the way that Beomgyu's mouth had fallen open into a moan, plush pink lips rounded into an oval shape. He loved the way that Beomgyu's eyes fluttered shut when he threw his head back. But most of all, he loved the way that the other moaned his name.

After Taehyun came, finally satisfied, he quickly got up and gathered his things, heading directly into the shower. He sighed; he had been careful not to dirty the sheets, but he would still have to wash them tomorrow. He was too tired from the events of the day and emotional turmoil to do it tonight, plus he still had to eat dinner and prepare for whatever Beomgyu had in store for him tomorrow.

He hopped into the shower dejectedly, the water scalding hot. He went through his usual routine, washing up quickly and efficiently. Unlike the other times he showered since he has been here, interestingly, he didn't scrub his skin raw this time. Instead, he cleaned up appropriately, taking care not to damage his delicate skin. Once he had completed his routine he stepped out of the shower, his skin a light pink from the burning temperature of the water. He dried himself off aptly and got dressed in his silk pajamas before making his way into the kitchen to cook himself dinner.

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