Chapter 5: Parasite Eve

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Taehyun relaxed for the first time in weeks. Beomgyu wanted to work with him. Taehyun wasn't going to die right away, at least not today. He smirked with newfound confidence, humming in agreement to Beomgyu's proposition.
"Okay. Where do I start?" he inquired.

Beomgyu stood up, a pleased expression blooming on his face. He motioned for Taehyun to follow, walking towards the kitchen. Taehyun obliged, leaving the comfort of the couch to head across the oversized apartment behind Beomgyu.

Beomgyu picked up a laptop that Taehyun didn't notice before off of one of the countertops. He felt a twinge of embarrassment- he was a police officer that sat here waiting for two hours, and he didn't notice a laptop on the counter? Nevertheless, he kept his cool as Beomgyu opened the laptop, typing in a password.

Beomgyu was focused on the laptop screen, distracted. This gave Taehyun a chance to study Beomgyu up close for the first time without that burning gaze studying him right back. He took the opportunity to memorize small details about the other.

The first thing Taehyun noticed was Beomgyu's eyelashes. They were plentiful and full, long and black. They fanned over his eyes as he examined the screen in front of him. Taehyun wished he had time to count them one by one, but he forced himself to move on. He next let his eyes fall to study the slope of Beomgyu's nose. It was angular, yet somehow soft at the same time. It was perfect. Taehyun's gaze continued down Beomgyu's face, until his eyes landed on his lips.

"Here," Beomgyu declared, turning the laptop screen to face Taehyun, breaking off his train of thought. Taehyun quickly averted his eyes from Beomgyu's lips, hoping he didn't notice him staring. His eyes instead darted to the screen that Beomgyu placed in front of him. He focused, trying to decipher what Beomgyu was showing him.

There was a profile of a man that Taehyun recognized on the screen. If he was being quite honest, it looked a lot like the officer entries on the police database that Taehyun had been erased from. The profile contained almost every detail about the man that Taehyun could want to know- his name, home address, phone number, work records, connections, and more. Taehyun masked his surprise, trying not to alert Beomgyu. Taehyun's team had spent months trying to get information like this, the same information that Taehyun had memorized with Kai. This database would be invaluable to Soobin and the rest of the team. Taehyun wondered how it worked and who created it. His brain suddenly reminded him that he had never responded to Beomgyu. Taehyun studied the screen again, trying to come up with something clever to say.

"Han Jungwon, fifty-four, works in managing hitmen," Taehyun read off the screen. "Did he do something wrong?" He turned his eyes back to Beomgyu, searching for a hint.

Beomgyu's lips turned up into an entertained smile.

"That's your job to find out. I'm going to give you some files to go through, and you'll tell me if you find anything that's suspicious or any traitorous behavior. I'll be awaiting your report." Beomgyu grinned at him. He picked up the laptop from the counter, closed it, and handed it to Taehyun.

"By the way, the password is Angel313, with a capital A. I'll get the files to you tomorrow morning. One of my guards will show you to your new apartment." Beomgyu mentioned, still smiling. He leaned against the kitchen counter and crossed his arms, eyes on Taehyun. Taehyun wished he could read his mind and figure out what exactly he was thinking right now.

Taehyun must have had a puzzled expression on his face, because Beomgyu did not hesitate to explain his choice of password.

"Angel for me, because I'm an angel, and 313 is my birthday. March thirteenth." He cocked his head innocently. "Any other questions?"

Taehyun scoffed, he highly disagreed with the angel part, but he wasn't about to say that out loud. Instead, he just shook his head and turned towards the front door. His socked feet barely made any noise as he padded away. When he extended the hand that wasn't holding the laptop to open the door, he heard Beomgyu's voice from behind him, low and deep.

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