Chapter 19: Epilogue: Until Dawn

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Warning: blood, drug use, mentions of suicide, suicidal ideation, death, major character death, minor character death, violence, gun use/violence, physical violence, and sadness, sadness, sadness. Recommend preparing sum tissues before reading.


Everything went black. Taehyun was launched into a sea of darkness, disoriented and hysterical. The shards of the lightbulb lay scattered across the floor, creating a maze of broken glass and broken promises.

"Hyung, hyung!" Soobin could hear Taehyun calling out into the darkness, but he wasn't quite sure who the younger was referring to. His question was answered quickly when a gun was thrust into his chest.

"Get out of here as fast as you can; take Yeonjun with you. Get him to the hospital. Don't let anyone see you," Taehyun instructed in between sobs. He was heaving heavily, his chest rapidly expanding and deflating as he forced the words out. Soobin opened his mouth to say something, anything, but nothing came out. He quickly darted an arm out to restrain Taehyun and prevent him from leaving, but Taehyun was already gone. He stood there in shock for a moment, trying to comprehend everything that had just happened. Once he realized what was happening, he turned back to the body laying on the floor. He knew he had no time to waste if Yeonjun was going to make it out of this alive.

After giving Soobin his gun, Taehyun stumbled through the darkness to find Beomgyu, crunching on the broken glass from the lightbulb. The sound echoed throughout the darkness, creating an eerie cacophony between the sharpness of the broken glass and Taehyun's disturbing sobs.

"Hyung," Taehyun cried, finally finding Beomgyu in the pitch-black. The other was still on his knees, frozen. Taehyun engulfed him in a hug before pulling him to his feet, gente but stern. Beomgyu was almost limp in his arms, like a rag doll, and he was shaking. He remained silent aside from the sound of his heart-wrenching sobs. Taehyun pulled him towards the door, trying to escape before the guards came back. Beomgyu followed without protest, the sound of their footsteps bouncing off the walls and retreating back into the never ending darkness.

Taehyun was unsure what Beomgyu would say if the guards returned. Would he turn Taehyun in? Would he have Soobin killed? Both? Or would he say nothing at all? Taehyun trusted Beomgyu with his life; he loved Beomgyu, but he had broken Beomgyu's heart. There is nothing more unpredictable than a person with a broken heart.

Beomgyu allowed himself to be pulled along, not clinging to Taehyun, but not pulling away from him either. He cried with his whole chest, every sob ransacking his body for air. Beomgyu felt like he couldn't breathe. He was still in shock from the whole ordeal. Taehyun was a cop, he almost killed Yeonjun, and their entire relationship had been a lie. Taehyun was a cop.

Beomgyu suddenly ripped free from Taehyun's hold, gripping Taehyun's arm and throwing him against the wall of the hallway. Taehyun's head bounced off the wall before he fell to the ground in a heap. He groaned in pain; hands instinctively flying up to put pressure on the injury.

"Hyung-" Taehyun whispered from the floor, looking up to make eye contact with Beomgyu for the first time since the truth had been revealed.

"Get up," Beomgyu commanded, gripping Taehyun by the neck and pulling him to his feet. He kept Taehyun pressed against the wall, tightening his hold every time the younger tried to squirm.

Taehyun felt himself start crying again. He couldn't stop. He knew he didn't deserve to be crying now after everything he had done, but there was nothing he could do to halt the wave of tears that streamed down his rosy cheeks. As Beomgyu's grip got tighter and tighter, Taehyun resisted the instinctual urge to grab at the hand around his neck, to try to pry Beomgyu off of him. Taehyun deserved this. Beomgyu deserved this.

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