Chapter 8: The Porcelain Angel

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Warning: smut (explicit)


Beomgyu knew he was being so incredibly stupid. He was well aware of the fact, but he still decided to do it anyway. After all, what was life without a little risk? Gifting Taehyun a deadly weapon this early on was taking a huge chance, and losing at the odds could very well mean losing his life. However, Beomgyu was sure that Taehyun wouldn't shoot him. He would even bet on it.

Maybe it was gut instinct, maybe it was something more, but Beomgyu had felt like it was the right thing to do. Taehyun was so unlike anyone he had ever met before. He was pure, innocent, so unblemished and protected from the horrors of the world. Beomgyu wanted to be the one to expose him to everything, to show him his world.

Taehyun had been so afraid when Beomgyu was playing with Jung; he wouldn't even look, couldn't bear the sight of it. Beomgyu was fascinated. Taehyun had joined a gang, but couldn't handle gun violence? It wasn't uncommon for rookies to be inexperienced, but Beomgyu had expected differently of Taehyun. Taehyun was more mature, had a colder aura. Beomgyu had initially read him as someone who would not hesitate to shoot. He smiled. Perhaps he could bring that version of Taehyun to fruition.

Beomgyu hadn't always been like this. His childhood had been normal. He grew up in the countryside, running with the other children, playing tag and eating dirt. He had a loving and doting mother. She always made sure that he had everything he needed and felt loved. He was always told that his father was working, and understood that he was not to ask when he would be back or what he was doing that was taking so long. He never knew what his father's job was, but he didn't care much; he was a carefree child for the most part. He was well liked among his classmates and teachers, and never caused trouble.

Everything changed once Beomgyu entered high school. His parents withdrew him from public school quietly. He was not even permitted to say goodbye to his plethora of friends. To others, it was like he simply disappeared without a trace. His mother was insistent that he get a good education however, so she continued to homeschool him once he dropped out. It was then that he learned of his fate, his born duty to take over the family business as the only son.

Beomgyu had been absolutely floored. All of his hopes, dreams, and aspirations were ripped from him right before his eyes. He had perfect grades, was involved in extracurriculars, and played multiple sports. It had all been for nothing in the end, fate's cruel joke.

He could still remember the night when he found out what would become of him so clearly, now a distant memory. He could remember his own broken voice, his mother's silent sobbing, but most clearly, he could remember the dead stare his father had given him when he explained what his future held.

Beomgyu doesn't know what he would have grown up to be if life were different. He could have been anything- a doctor, lawyer, teacher; the possibilities were endless. He didn't like to think about it much, because there was no use in daydreaming about something that could never be. Beomgyu liked focusing on the present and future, and how to climb the steps to success. He already had all the money and fame that he could want, so the only thing left to take was power.

Beomgyu got into the car with a huff, snapping out of his thoughts. Yeonjun was going to be pissed at him for being late again. It's okay, he would get over it; he always did. Beomgyu knew he could be late to his meetings with Yeonjun- in fact, he was the only person he would dare to keep waiting. Beomgyu had an image to maintain, a stereotype to fulfill, so he was almost always punctual. The exception to his nearly impeccable track record was his attendance to his meetings with Yeonjun.

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