Chapter 14: Ubiquitous Eyes

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Warning: smut


The car ride back from Yeonjun's was as deadly silent as the ride there had been. Taehyun stared at his hands the whole time. Although he had washed the blood off, he convinced himself that there was a stain there that would always remain. He mentally added this attack to his now long list of felonies.

He didn't feel guilty, per se, but something felt off. Maybe it wasn't even about Kai. Maybe it was the argument that Beomgyu had had with Yeonjun. Taehyun didn't like that they were arguing, and he especially didn't like that they were arguing over him. Beomgyu had been so quick to defend Taehyun, even though his longtime friend seemed to hate him. Taehyun wondered why.

Taehyun licked his lips. There was no way that Yeonjun could know Taehyun's true identity, but he had still told Beomgyu to be careful. Taehyun racked his brain for a reason why Yeonjun would be suspicious of him, but he was coming up with nothing. He shivered. Yeonjun was dangerous; if he could convince Beomgyu that Taehyun was untrustworthy, then Taehyun was a goner. He hoped that it didn't have to get to that point. Taehyun didn't know what he would do if it did.

Beomgyu was seething in the seat next to him, obviously bothered by the situation. Taehyun wondered if he should reach out, comfort him, ask if he was okay, but he didn't know what the appropriate response would be. It wasn't like he was his boyfriend or anything, so he didn't want to be too domestic or overprotective. Plus, if anything, Beomgyu had always been the one to comfort him, not the other way around, so Taehyun was unsure how Beomgyu would react if he suddenly tried to care for him. Surely, he wouldn't get angry, right? Taehyun shook his head. He needed to stop having thoughts like that. Why would Beomgyu get angry at him for that?

In addition, Taehyun didn't know what he would say. 'Sorry I pissed off your drug dealer friend?', 'He's mad at you because he's in love with you, you idiot?', 'At least we got the drugs this time?' Each option sounded equally as horrible. He licked his lips, trying to decide what to do.

Thankfully, he didn't have to initiate anything, because Beomgyu reached over and wordlessly grabbed Taehyun's hand. Taehyun looked down at their connected hands, slightly surprised, before bringing his gaze up to look at Beomgyu.

Beomgyu was looking out the window, pouting. Taehyun thought he looked cute, like a child. He squeezed his hand with a smile, causing the older to turn to face him.

"It will be okay; he's just stubborn, like you said," Taehyun vocalized, his own voice sounding foreign to him. Beomgyu's lips curled up into a smile in response.

"I know. He'll come around; I don't know why he dislikes you so much though. What did you do to him?" Beomgyu joked, temporarily disconnecting their hands to slap Taehyun's thigh playfully.

"Nothing!" Taehyun whined in a high pitched voice, earning a chuckle from Beomgyu. Taehyun knew the real reason Yeonjun didn't like him, but he decided to keep it to himself. Neither of them needed the unnecessary drama. If Yeonjun really liked Beomgyu that much, he should have confessed years ago. Taehyun didn't understand why he hadn't.

"Thank you for taking care of our little shadow, by the way," Beomgyu remarked casually, looking Taehyun in the eye as he changed the subject.

Taehyun froze, but only for a millisecond before a pleased smile crept up onto his face.

"Anything for you." It could have been interpreted as a joke, Taehyun keeping up the silly atmosphere, but both of them knew he wasn't joking.

It slipped out from between his lips before Taehyun could even stop to think about it. By the look on Beomgyu's face, they were both surprised by the statement. Taehyun wished he could take it back, but the words hung in the air between them. That had been Kai he just attacked, not just anyone. Come to think of it, Taehyun didn't even know if Kai was still alive right now and yet here he was, joking and flirting with Beomgyu. What the hell had he become?

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