Chapter 11: Love And Perfidy

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Warning: smut, like the whole thing


Beomgyu pulled away a second time. When Taehyun looked up at him, annoyed, he noticed something different in the other's eyes. They were darker now, brimming with something that looked a lot like need. Beomgyu licked his lips.

Taehyun's hand was suddenly grabbed with force, Beomgyu now leading him somewhere so quickly that Taehyun could barely keep up. It felt like time was going double speed, everything around them a blur. Taehyun felt so drunk on Beomgyu that his usually sharp senses were now fading away, being replaced by lust. Taehyun hoped Beomgyu felt the same way.

Beomgyu slammed open the door to his car when they reached it, not even waiting for the driver to open it for him. The driver did not look surprised in the slightest, most likely used to Beomgyu's unpredictable behavior and antics. He instead returned back to his seat in silence. Taehyun was thankful that he didn't seem bothered.

Once the door to the car was open, Beomgyu slid in as quickly as he could, temporarily dropping Taehyun's hand to do so. However, once he was inside, he did not hesitate to reconnect their hands to yank Taehyun into the car. Taehyun was taken by surprise; he stumbled, falling directly onto Beomgyu's lap. Beomgyu was not bothered at all, wasting no time in repositioning them so that Taehyun was straddling him, hastily slamming the car door shut in the process. Beomgyu was being rough with him, but Taehyun loved it. He rolled his hips down onto Beomgyu's crotch, desperate for the friction.

"My apartment," Beomgyu growled to the driver, breath stuttering. Taehyun loved the way that he could make Beomgyu's breath catch in his throat, so he grinded his hips down onto Beomgyu's lap again. Beomgyu's hands flew up from their resting place on the seat to grip onto Taehyun's waist, a hiss escaping his mouth. The car pulled away from the curb.

"Behave, or else I won't be able to hold back. I'll fuck you right here," Beomgyu warned in Taehyun's ear, voice low and deep. Taehyun wasn't scared. Instead, he ate up every little sound that Beomgyu made, obsessed with the way that he could affect him with every move he made, no matter how miniscule. He snaked his arms around Beomgyu's neck. The whole thing felt surreal; Beomgyu's hands on him, Beomgyu's voice in his ear, the way that the passing city lights danced around the car, illuminating Beomgyu's sharp features. Taehyun loved all of it.

Of course, Taehyun did not listen to a word that Beomgyu said. He continued to wiggle on Beomgyu's lap while reaching his head down to suck on his neck. Beomgyu's grip on his waist became tighter.

"Taehyun," Beomgyu breathed, warning. "I won't tell you again."

Taehyun paid no mind to Beomgyu's threats, finding a particularly pleasing place on Beomgyu's neck to suck on. It was at the junction between his neck and shoulder, and extremely sensitive, as evidenced by Beomgyu's hushed moans. Despite his warnings, Beomgyu tilted his head to the side to give Taehyun better access to the spot, which Taehyun took full advantage of, sucking and licking hard, sure to leave a mark.

But before Taehyun could finish, Beomgyu had had enough. Out of nowhere, Beomgyu removed his hands from their death grip on Taehyun's waist, moving one hand to grip Taehyun by the chin, detaching him from Beomgyu's neck, and the other to the growing bulge in Taehyun's pants.

"I said," Beomgyu growled, "behave."

Beomgyu used the hand on Taehyun's chin to hold him in place while he palmed him through his pants. The whole time, Beomgyu stared directly at him with dark eyes, eating up every change of expression, every time Taehyun's mouth fell open in a silent moan.

Ironically, Taehyun squirmed even more, trying to find the friction that Beomgyu wasn't giving him. Beomgyu touched him just enough that it felt heavenly, but it wasn't enough. Taehyun wondered where he learned how to do all this.

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