Chapter 18: Taehyun's Choice

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A/N: woohoooo 🥳 it's almost the last chapter. thanks alllll of you guys for supporting me since the beginning even tho this book doesn't have much reads. i'll try to update the last chapter asap (stan stayc bitches) so i hope you enjoy it :)


he moment Yeonjun left Taehyun's arms, Taehyun started running. He didn't look back; he couldn't. He heard the sounds of horns blaring, the sick crunch of a body slamming against metal, but he couldn't force himself to look even if he wanted to. He ran faster than he ever had in his entire life, desperate to make it back to Beomgyu and away from the horror behind him. He felt sick, horrified at himself. What if Yeonjun died? What kind of person would that make him? More importantly, what would Beomgyu think of him?

Taehyun was out of time. He had been selfish, spent too many hours with his lover, when he should have been working on achieving his goal, and now it was all catching up with him. He needed to get that hard drive and get the hell out before Yeonjun was lucid enough to call Beomgyu and tell him what happened. Even if Taehyun wanted to stay with Beomgyu, it wasn't possible now. Beomgyu would never forgive him for everything he had done.

Taehyun felt so immensely guilty. Somehow, he had managed to mess up every single relationship he had. He killed Park, he stabbed Kai, he betrayed Soobin, he deceived Beomgyu, and fuck, now he might have killed Yeonjun too. Was there a single thing he could do right? Taehyun wanted to cry, but his pain was beyond the point of crying. He felt empty, a dull pain that ached throughout his entire body. It was so intense that he didn't know if he would ever be able to feel happy again.

Taehyun made it back to the apartment building in under a minute, when it normally would have been a pretty lengthy walk. He would have been impressed with himself if he had done it under different circumstances, but right now all he could think about was finding Beomgyu. He entered the building with haste.

Much to Taehyun's luck, Beomgyu was in the lobby waiting for him, but when Taehyun entered, Beomgyu had a funny expression on his face.

"Taehyun-ah, where did you go? Why are you panting like that?" Beomgyu asked, a foreboding glint in his eye. Taehyun blinked rapidly, trying to find something to say. Nothing was going right for him today.

"I ran out of cigarettes, so I went to go buy more," Taehyun replied, trying to catch his breath. "The store is far away, so I ran back because I know you hate being late." Beomgyu had never told him he hated being late, but Taehyun assumed it since they were always running on a strict schedule. He hoped his excuse would work.

Beomgyu pursed his lips, processing Taehyun's answer. Taehyun prayed to God and all that was heavenly that Beomgyu would just drop it. Taehyun knew that Beomgyu was smart, and that he had just been caught doing something that looked incredibly suspicious, but he needed at least one thing to go his way today.

Beomgyu nodded slowly, clearly not believing Taehyun's answer but not calling him out on it either. Taehyun let out a shaky breath, still on edge. He was beginning to lose control, and he didn't have many chances left before Beomgyu caught on to him. Taehyun needed to get out as soon as possible, however that may be.

Beomgyu wordlessly grabbed Taehyun's hand and walked him out to the car that was already parked outside, waiting against the curb. The driver held open the door, and Beomgyu gestured for Taehyun to get in first. Taehyun slid in smoothly, taking comfort in the cool leather against his skin, still warm from running. Then Beomgyu slid in next to him and put a hand on his thigh, and it felt like all was right with the world again, even if it was just for that moment. Taehyun closed his eyes and tilted his head back against the headrest as the car pulled away from the curb. He was exhausted, mentally, not just from his altercation with Yeonjun, but everything. The killing, the mental torment, the sex, the love. Taehyun was at his breaking point.

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