Chapter 12

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After visiting the Cultural Museum, the bus took the teachers and students back to the school.

Mo Lingqiu had nothing to do in the afternoon and went home first.

After Jiang Chenming finished his training, he went to the supermarket to buy two fresh tomatoes and brought them home.

Mo Lingqiu was writing in the study. Jiang Chenming took a sneak peek when he passed the door of the study. Without going in, he went to the kitchen and soaked the tomatoes in the water.

After five o’clock in the evening, Jiang Chenming returned to the kitchen and started cooking tomato and egg noodles.

Mo Lingqiu, who was boring in the study to organize information, was very serious. When the mobile phone on his hand vibrated, he was taken aback.

Picking up the phone, saw that it was a message from Fannian.

Target 300 million: Are you at home?

Goal of three hundred million: I have been stunned, can I just stay with me?

Mo Lingqiu hesitated, thinking that Jiang Chenming was still at home. don’t know why. didn’t really want the friend Fannian to know. He was about to refuse, and the other party sent another message.

Goal of 300 million: I have reached your door [Little rabbit knocks on the door]

The doorbell rang and passed into the study from a distance. Mo Lingqiu reluctantly put down his phone and walked over to open the door.

Outside the door, Fan Nian also brought to meet Eli Lilly, fresh strawberries and a box of milk: “Look at how good I am to you, and I bought you milk.”

Mo Lingqiu thanked him and let him into the house after taking the things.

As soon as Fan Nian entered the house, he noticed that something was wrong. Mo Lingqiu’s house smelled of strange Alpha: “Why do you have the smell of Alpha here? You won’t bring people back for what you want?”

Mo Lingqiu squinted at him and ignored him.

Jiang Chenming in the kitchen heard the movement outside, took a look at the probe, and hurriedly said hello: “Doctor Fan, hello.”

Fan Nian looked surprised: “Jiang Chenming? Why are you here?”

“I’m staying with Teacher Mo for a period of time.” Jiang Chenming glanced at Mo Lingqiu who was silent, and wittily made up an excuse, “It’s a bit inconvenient in the dormitory.”

Fan Nian would not be so stupid to ask what was inconvenient, the other party gave such an excuse, and he was not good to ask again: “Oh, this way, it scared me.”

“Did Dr. Fan have dinner?” Jiang Chenming answered naturally.

Mo Lingqiu put a carton of milk in the cabinet, and walked to Jiang Chenming with a bag of strawberries: “He stayed to eat.”

“Okay.” Jiang Chenming answered and explained to Fan Nian specifically, “I want to thank Teacher Mo for his help, and I want to say that I will be the next cook, and it will happen that Dr. Fan will eat with you.”

“The computer is not turned on, you have to use it by yourself, I will wash the strawberries.” Mo Lingqiu and Fan Nian are too familiar with each other, and the other party will definitely open the computer to play games here.

Fan Nian made an “OK” gesture and walked into Mo Lingqiu’s room with ease.

When he walked to the pool, Mo Lingqiu poured out a bag of strawberries. After sprinkling salt on the strawberries, he filled them with water.

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