Extra 5

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Fan Nian has always had a worry since she became pregnant.

In fact, he didn’t notice it at first, but one day he realized that the clothes were somehow wet.

He stood in the bathroom with his seven-month-old full-bodied belly. He picked up his clothes and studied in the mirror for a while. The more he looked, the more something went wrong. He was about to take out his mobile phone and call the family doctor that Jiang Junshen arranged for him. The sound of pushing the door was startled.

When Jiang Junshen saw Fan Nian standing barefoot in the bathroom, his already serious eyebrows looked even more serious: “Don’t wear shoes?”

Fan Nian, who had been caught, laughed a few times and stepped back, for fear that Jiang Junshen would come and educate him.

Jiang Junshen was already tall, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, he reached Fannian. He held his back knee with the other hand and hugged him.

Back in the room, Jiang Junshen asked him to sit on the edge of the bed, got a hot towel and wiped his feet, then hugged his leg and stuffed it into the quilt.

“…I’m hot.” Fan Nian was a little aggrieved. The weather in September is still not very cool. It’s a bit shameful to have been wrapped in a quilt.

“Pay attention to keep warm, didn’t the doctor also say it? Your knee is not good. If the root of the disease is left, it will be bad.” Jiang Junshen rubbed his leg for him.

Originally, it was not easy for Fan Nian to be pregnant with his own child, and because the pheromone match between the two people was not high, Fan Nian suffered a lot of crimes during pregnancy.

First, the early morning sickness, the vomiting was dim, and if smelled a little irritating smell, would go to the bathroom to retching. Later, suffered from insomnia, and often rested for less than two or three hours all night, and that energy was consumed a lot. The calf too, didn’t walk much, went out for a walk and then came back, the calf was swollen the next day.

I asked the doctor and said it was edema. There was no problem after the examination, but Jiang Junshen felt distressed when he saw it.

Fannian has not been wronged because of him since he was studying. Now that he is together, he is still being wronged.

“What do you want to eat tonight?”

Fan Nian was stunned, and curled his lips: “Can I eat anything I want?”

“Today can.”

Before Jiang Junshen learned the art of cooking specially, in order to cook for Fannian, do what he wants to eat, but also make it into the kind of taste that can be eaten during pregnancy. Fannian knew that the little ancestor in his stomach was hard-won, and he didn’t dare to eat randomly. Jiang Junshen would eat whatever he made. Like today, Jiang Junshen took the initiative to ask him, and there are not many opportunities to say “Yes”.

“Fried.” Fan Nian hesitated for a long time, but chose a relatively healthy food. “Good.” Jiang Junshen responded without hesitation.

After that, Fannian sat on the bed and played a game console. Jiang Junshen went to the kitchen to stir up and fry. Everything from stirring the minced meat to making noodles and pan-frying was done by himself.

Two hours later, Fan Nian was so hungry that he chewed a pack of dried fruits.

“Come for dinner.” Jiang Junshen walked to the bedroom and hugged Fan Nian.

Fan Nian struggled to get to the ground: “I…I will go by myself.”

“Walk less, the edema on your legs has not disappeared.” Jiang Junshen hugged him to the dining table and sat down.

Fan Nian looked at his red calf because of edema, and couldn’t help asking, “Is it ugly?”

“…What?” Jiang Junshen, who was pouring jealousy, was taken aback, but he didn’t realize what he was saying for a while.

“The calf, isn’t it edema?” Fan Nian curled his lips, “Does it look ugly?”

“Nonsense.” Jiang Junshen scolded and helped him pour more vinegar. “I like it even if you are two hundred catties fat.”

Fan Nian was amused by him: “I don’t want to be two hundred catties fat.”

“Eating, aren’t you hungry? Eat more today.”

“Yeah.” Fan Nian looked at the golden underside and the swollen pan-fried, very appetite, and ate seven of them in one breath.

In the evening, Fan Nian had not finished digesting before going to bed, coupled with some insomnia, and dragged Jiang Junshen to chat: “Do you think we will have a son or a daughter?”

“It’s okay.” Jiang Junshen didn’t mind, because they were both his and Fannian’s children.

The two could have gone to the hospital for a gender test, but they still chose not to go, because whether it was a boy or a girl, they had to be educated and petted.

“Then you say that he/she will differentiate into Omega or Alpha in the future?” Fan Nian thought for a while, “I hope to differentiate into Alpha.”

When Jiang Junshen heard what he said, he thought that the knot he had split into Omega in high school had not been solved: “Because of your high school ideas?”

Fan Nian was stunned: “Huh?”

“Didn’t you talk about it in high school? You want to split into Alpha, and then take a wife and go home.”

Fan Nian stared at Jiang Junshen for a long time, and found that the emotion on his face was not right, and suddenly smiled: “Are you jealous?”

“…Hmm.” Jiang Junshen hugged Fan Nian, “Let me kiss him.”

Before Fan Nian could speak, he was gagged by Jiang Junshen. After exchanging a hot and humid kiss, Fan Nian got a little bit of interest.

He crossed his legs and rubbed it for a while, and he asked, “Would you like to do it?”

“Do you want it?” Jiang Junshen looked down at him.

Fan Nian flushed: “There will be no estrus in the next six months…”

After Omega is pregnant, at the seventh month, the estrus period will automatically stop until about three months after delivery. Depending on the individual’s physique, it may be longer.

Jiang Junshen didn’t say anything. He turned over and pressed Fan Nian under him.

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