Extra 3

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Fan Nian has been a worry-free child since he was a child. Although his grades cannot be said to be top-notch, he can also rank in the upper middle and upper reaches of City A, where the competition for learning is already fierce.

Even if he comes from a single-parent family, Fannian’s character has not been turned in a bad direction.

Fannian’s father died early, leaving him and his mother with a large inheritance. Naturally, the life of mother and child is not worrying. Fannian’s mother is very virtuous and thrifty. Even if she has a lot of money, she can’t bear to spend it.

At that time, Fan Nian, who had not yet reached the differentiation period, always thought that he would definitely differentiate into an Alpha in the future. He also obeyed his mother’s wishes and wanted to marry a soft Omega that 100% matched him in the future.

The acquaintance of Fan Nian and Jiang Junshen also dates back to before the division period, when Fan Nian succeeded in moving from the middle of the middle school of A city to the middle of the city with a score of more than 100 in the city.

Many boys started to get taller when they were in high school, and everyone secretly competed. Whoever is taller will be a high-quality Alpha in the future. This is actually a paradox in medicine, but it was a good flag for them who were full of energy at that time.

Fan Nian smiled on his face and never mentioned height. In fact, he cared about it in his heart, and he was secretly competing with himself. He had to measure his height every morning when he got up.

It is a pity that after a whole year of high school life passed, his height was one centimeter taller.

When he couldn’t help but envy his classmates for being tall, a handsome and tall Alpha was transferred to their class.

Yes, it is a high-quality Alpha that has successfully differentiated.

“Student Jiang Junshen, introduce yourself?” The head teacher is a young Beta woman, looking at Jiang Junshen’s appearance in joy, her tone is not consciously soft.

Jiang Junshen glanced at the classmates sitting below and made a very simple introduction: “Hello everyone, this is Jiang Junshen.”

The head teacher waited for Jiang Junshen’s following. After a long silence passed, she smiled awkwardly and explained to the classmates: “Jiang Junshen has been studying abroad before. Recently, after returning to City A, she transferred to our class for some reason. We will study together until the third year of high school. Jiang Junshen is already divided, and everyone has not yet divided. If you have any questions about differentiation, you can ask him. I hope everyone gets along well."

“Okay!” The students sitting below replied in unison. Only Fan Nian, with his mouth half open, said nothing.

After that, the head teacher arranged for Jiang Junshen to sit in the empty seat in the last row of the classroom because he was tall.

Fan Nian’s eyes followed each other. He sat in the first row of the fourth group, and Jiang Junshen sat in the last row of the first group. The whole was the diagonal of the classroom, the farthest distance.

Since then, Fan Nian will always observe Jiang Junshen inadvertently.

reason? Jiang Junshen is simply Fan Nian’s adolescent male god who has not differentiated but wants to differentiate into Alpha.

The result of constant observation is that Fan Nian knew a lot about Jiang Junshen without knowing it.

For example, Jiang Junshen was three years older than him, but he went to the second year of high school with him. It is said that he was repeating three years. For example, the pheromone taste of Jiang Junshen is red wine fragrance, mellow and intoxicating. For example, Jiang Junshen doesn’t like to laugh and talks very little, but he plays basketball very well.

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