Chapter 17

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After returning home, Mo Lingqiu hurriedly opened the campus forum website. He didn’t understand why his real name was exposed to everyone’s eyes.

He researched the anonymous section for a long time, but didn’t find out why.

When Jiang Chenming came out of the room, Mo Lingqiu was quiet, he thought the other party was working again. Looking at it again, Mo Lingqiu’s door was not closed, and he looked serious at the computer.

“Boom, boom,” knocked on the door twice, Jiang Chenming asked: “Teacher Mo, what to eat tonight?”

Mo Lingqiu concentrated on the computer completely, and did not hear what Jiang Chenming said.

Jiang Chenming called again, but Mo Lingqiu still didn’t respond. He hesitated and walked into Mo Lingqiu’s room: “Teacher Mo, what do you want to eat tonight?”

Mo Lingqiu frightened a cleverness, looked at Jiang Chenming in a daze, and for a long time he hesitated and said: “Everything, it’s OK.”

“Watching the forum?” Jiang Chenming glanced at the computer and asked him.

“…Yes, how did you see me like it?” Mo Lingqiu asked, while minimizing the forum full of posts by himself and Jiang Chenming, as if Jiang Chenming didn’t know what he was watching.

“Before operating in the anonymous area, you must first set your own nickname for the anonymous area. If you don’t set it, the default is the work number plus your real name.” Jiang Chenming did not ask him to open the interface to see for himself, “Click on the personal center on the homepage, Then the settings can be changed. After the change, everyone will not deliberately look at who you are, but if you encounter scolding, you will check your personal information to see who this person is.”

“…In the final analysis, this forum is still real-named?” Mo Lingqiu thought about it, since you can see the real-name homepage of people who speak anonymously, what is the meaning of anonymity?

“Almost. It’s a campus forum after all. It’s easy to manage if there is anything.”

Jiang Chenming’s words are true. If everyone is anonymous and irresponsible, then there will be scolding wars or provocations, the management of the school forum will also be very troublesome.

“I’ll take a look again.” Mo Lingqiu lowered his head.

Jiang Chenming said with an “um”: “Teacher, you haven’t told me what you want to eat tonight.”

“…Instant noodles.” Mo Lingqiu raised his head when he heard the food, “I’ll make it myself in a while.”

He hasn’t eaten instant noodles for too long, and he has thought about mouth addiction.

When Jiang Chenming heard it, he frowned slightly: “Teacher Mo, you really don’t like rice?”

In his observations, Mo Lingqiu seemed to have noodles for three meals a day, with very little rice. Sometimes even if he ordered the rice, he would eat up the vegetables and leave the rice.

“…I don’t like it.” Mo Lingqiu had never liked rice since he was a child, and his parents didn’t care much about him. He had full freedom to eat.

“Wait, I’ll make some noodles for you.” Jiang Chenming said, turning and walking out of Mo Lingqiu’s room.

Mo Lingqiu reopened the small campus forum and changed the anonymous nickname in his personal settings. Although he may not use the campus forum after hand skating, he should change it just in case.

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