Chapter 46

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Preparations for the spring campus evening party start one week after the start of school and will last until the official performance in mid-March. The students will have more than half a month of practice time.

However, the program on the spring campus evening party is not set at the beginning. Each college prepares the program and sends it to the selection. In the end, the school student council evaluates the selection before they can perform on stage. The selection meeting will be decided one week before the party officially starts. Although the eliminated programs are a bit pity, this selection method is also a bit cruel, but they are all for the best presentation effect of the party.

Mo Lingqiu’s Department of Chinese Language and Literature prepared a recitation program this time. It sounded mellow and exciting. The content was drafted by the students of the Department of Chinese Language. Suspenseful was selected.

Jiang Chenming’s physical education department sent two shows for selection, one is a model show and the other is a rap free show. Physical education departments are all in better physical condition, and the models are also very cool when they come out on the catwalk. In addition, the clothes are hand-made in cooperation with the Fashion Institute, which shows the linkage between different departments and was successfully selected. But the rap free show was a little bit hip, which didn’t fit the theme, and was finally eliminated.

Because Jiang Chenming is the host, there is no such thing as elimination. He has been rehearsing with three other hosts since half a month ago. By the day the party officially started, he had already thoroughly familiarized the host’s manuscript.

“I didn’t use my heart to memorize the book before the college entrance examination.” Jiang Chenming shook the ripped host manuscript and joked with Mo Lingqiu.

“Yes.” Mo Lingqiu sternly raised his hand and gave him a thumbs up.

Jiang Chenming leaned forward: “Teacher Mo, give me a kiss, I will be on stage in a while.”

Mo Lingqiu pursed his lips and blushed. The man in front of him was wearing a black suit, his leather shoes were polished brightly, his handsome brows and eyes were full of smiles, but he was talking faceless and skinless, which really made him irresistible.

Raising his hand and gently pulling on Jiang Chenming’s tie, Mo Lingqiu brought the person to him, his lips were just covered, and he was responsive to convenience, pressing the back of his head to deepen the kiss.

When several hosts who were partnering with Jiang Chenming opened the door and walked in, they were dumbfounded when they saw the scene of the sex in the lounge.

It was another male host who responded quickly and quickly pulled the two female hosts away from the lounge and closed the door again.

But because it was closed too quickly, the door made a “bang” sound, awakening Mo Lingqiu and Jiang Chenming who were immersed in the kiss.

Jiang Chenming half supported the back of Mo Lingqiu’s head, stood up, glanced at the closed door, pulled his tie, picked up Mo Lingqiu, put the person on the dressing table, and kissed him again. .

Mo Lingqiu grabbed his clothes, the corners of his eyes were red, and Jiang Chenming took his glasses off somehow and put them aside.

When the back neck glands were wrapped in warm breath and finally bitten by teeth, Mo Lingqiu snorted and leaned in Jiang Chenming’s arms to instinctively absorb each other’s pheromone.

The temporary marking lasted for a while, even if Jiang Chenming let go, the stamina was still great for the two of them, especially Mo Lingqiu, sitting on the dressing table without moving for a long time.

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