Chapter 28

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After much deliberation, Mo Lingqiu still followed his father’s ideas and added this “blind date Alpha” friend. After the addition, Mo Lingqiu threw the phone aside and soon fell asleep.

After getting up the next morning, he rushed to wash up, went to the hotel restaurant for breakfast, and then got on the subway to the station.

Because it was the weekend and it was still early, there were not many people on the subway. After Mo Lingqiu found an empty seat and sat down, he finally took out his phone and took a look.

Jiang Chenming sent him good morning and took a photo of Xiaolongbao that he had eaten in the morning.

Mo Lingqiu knew at a glance that the Xiaolongbao was the quick-frozen Xiaolongbao he had bought in the refrigerator before, and he was not at home. It was quite rare for this person to cook these quick-frozen things.

Classmate Little Jiang: Teacher Mo, have you eaten yet?

Qiu: I’m already on the subway, and I’ll be at the station in forty minutes.

Student Little Jiang: What do you do for lunch? Do you bring food?

Qiu: brought some biscuits.

In fact, Mo Lingqiu’s trip was completely lightly packed, because he only spent a day and a night in the province. He didn’t bring anything other than a change of underwear and a bag of biscuits in his daily necessities.

Jiang Chenming refused, so Mo Lingqiu got off the subway to buy some KFC to take.

Qiu: I’m going to buy KFC at this point. It’s just breakfast, right?

Jiang Chenming thought for a while, and then changed his mind to let him buy instant noodles.

Qiu: No, instant noodles taste great.

He was in a closed car, and the taste of instant noodles was really impolite.

Jiang Chenming thought about it, and in the end he could only end with the sentence “Wait for you to take you to eat delicious food”.

Now, Mo Lingqiu agreed, and it was rare to take the initiative to propose what he wanted to eat. After all, he had a cold a few days ago and he ate too lightly, and his mouth was not satisfying.

After talking with Jiang Chenming, Mo Lingqiu switched the WeChat interface back to the list homepage, and saw that another person had sent a message to himself, the “Blind Date Alpha” just added last night.

Blind date Alpha: Hello, this is Pan Zhe, I wonder if my uncle and aunt mentioned me to you?

This was sent by the other party after adding a friend last night, I don’t know if it was because I didn’t wait for a reply, and there was no more follow-up. Mo Lingqiu pursed his lips, and politely replied “Hello”.

At this time, the mobile phone immediately became active.

Blind date Alpha: Haha, I thought you wouldn’t reply anymore.

When Mo Lingqiu saw this, he really didn’t want to reply, but the other party didn’t seem to give up.

Blind date Alpha: I am 1.86 meters tall and I am currently working in a scientific research institute. I cannot tell you many things due to the confidentiality of my work.

Blind date Alpha: As you know, I’m thirty-two. To be honest, for a successful Alpha, it is indeed late to marry.

Blind date Alpha: But I saw your photos and thought you were pretty good. Would you like to think about me?

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