Extra 3 (part 2)

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When he got the test results, Fan Nian was confused.

The test results show that he will differentiate into an Omega when he grows up, an ordinary Omega.

The Alpha dream that he had always longed for was shattered, and his mother left him with his wife to marry a wife, which might have turned into dowry money in the future.

Unfortunately, Fannian’s 18th birthday was just a week later. When he thought of breaking into an ordinary Omega in a week, Fan Nian said what it was like not to appear in his heart.

“Ah! I turned out to be Beta?” The girls of the same group who went into the differentiation test room with Fan Nian to draw blood let out a wailing, “I originally wanted to be a delicate and soft Omega, and then went after Jiang Junshen and cried.”

Another girl in the same group as her is also Beta, and she also made her gender public.

Fan Nian remained silent, which made two people curious about him.

“Fan Nian, what are you?”

“Ah… confidential.” Fan Nian showed a beautiful smile and made a silent gesture. He didn’t intend to speak out, although he could only hide a summer vacation. But what he thought at the time was that one day can be concealed.

Can’t think of why, especially when Fan Nian noticed Jiang Junshen’s gaze, he dared not tell the other party that he was an Omega.

Jiang Junshen has always been calm and indifferent, so naturally he didn’t ask, but when he walked out of the differentiation testing room, he smelled a very faint rose fragrance at the tip of his nose.

Looking at the back of Fan Nianxue’s white neck, and then looking at so many people around him, maybe the smell is not his.

Seven days later, Fannian’s 18th birthday arrived as scheduled, and his mother bought him a huge cake to celebrate his adult birthday.

“Baby! Can you tell mom your gender today?” Fannian has never told anyone about the test results since the differentiation test that day, not even his mother.

“…Wife spend it.” Fan Nian sighed, the ice cream cake in front of him didn’t look delicious anymore.

“Ah? You are Alpha?! That’s great!” Fannian’s mother had completely misunderstood and was very happy.

Fan Nian couldn’t help but poured cold water: “No, I’m Omega, so my wife should spend it on your own. You should buy bags and bags, and clothes and clothes.”

Fannian’s mother was stunned for a long time before she came to her senses: “You can’t spend it, keep it for you to buy your dowry later. What’s wrong with Omega? Omega can find a particularly good Alpha, and keep him spoiled. No, I don’t have to do any housework. I’m afraid of breaking it in my hand, and I’m afraid of turning it in my mouth."

“Stop it.” Fan Nian stopped his mother’s endless fantasies, “not so exaggerated.”

“What’s the matter? Alpha and Omega were originally like this, it feels destined, how good.”

“That means Alpha and Omega that match 100%?” Fan Nian couldn’t help rolling his eyes.

“Oh, did you teach physiology?” Fannian’s mother covered her mouth and smiled.

Fan Nian was helpless: “I know this kind of thing without teaching physiology.”

“So in the future, we might be lucky every year, and we will meet the 100% matching Alpha?” Fannian’s mother smiled and said, “Although he will not step on the colorful clouds, he will definitely drive a sports car. , Pick you home in a suit.”

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