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𝐈𝐍 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐂𝐇 esme becomes noticed


𝐀 𝐆𝐎𝐎𝐃 thing, or a bad thing?

she got stuck with running next to the two main characters, Gon and Killua.

After Gon said two sentences to her, he wouldn't leave her alone.

He wanted her to sit with them when all of the remaining applicants entered the outside, waiting for the fog to lift.

He tried to make conversation, but it revealed to be no use.

" looks like she doesn't wanna talk to you. " Killua said boredly, and Gon peered at miyoko curiously.

" You're really quiet. Are you mute? "
Gon asked, fully ignoring Killua who huffed.

Miyoko turned to meet Gon's eyes and stared for a few seconds.

She didn't want to go through this whole thing of her talking and him not understanding so she nodded her head, maybe if she told him she was mute, he would leave her alone.

His eyes only glistened more in interest.

"Aunt Mito taught me a bit of sign language! Can you understand this? " he started to do hand motions that made Miyoko confused, and she just turned her head back to the fog covered trees.

" Don't you think she's a bit weird? She reminds me of my brother. " Killua mumbled not so quietly to Gon, who shrugged.

" I think she's just shy. "

Panting filled their ears, and they look over to see Leorio about to collapse on the stairs, and next to him was Kurapika.

" Hey, Kurapika! " Gon shouts a little too energetically, and kurapika looks over breathlessly.

"Oh, hey... " he says with a lackluster wave.
" Is this our final destination? "

" Nope, not yet! " Gon says, a smile ever so present on his face as Killed looks on, leaving Miyoko to scan the crowd for her allies.

" Ah, I see. Looks like the fog is lifting. "
He looks straight ahead, leading to gon standing up to get a better look.

" Oh, really? " Gon says and faces forward, and smiles open-mouthed, chorusing out a wooowww!!

    𝐋𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄   ,  ᵍᵒⁿ ᶠʳᵉᶜᶜᵉˢ Where stories live. Discover now