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The main crew and I escaped by a hair, just like in the anime.

My leg didn't cause much of a delay, because I was used to pretending I wasn't hurt in the first place.
Sure, I have a hole in my leg, but really - it didn't hurt very much.
I think my adrenaline masked most of the pain.
After Leorio tried to lodge an axe into my calf, we each grabbed an weapon and attacked the wall, hoping (and knowing) that we'd reach a conclusion.

As we used all of our able strength to destroy the wall to pieces, Gon constantly worried over my leg, while I stared at him in gratitude, but to him and everyone else; it must've seemed like annoyance.

Nobody really fretted over me before, so when Gon did it made me feel like someone actually cared about me.

After going down that painfully winding slide, we made it into that circular room where every other winning contestant stood or sat.

Hisoka and Illumi eyed me with looks that I couldn't very well decipher, and when Hisoka wagged his finger at me, telling me to come to him, I felt sick.

What did he want from me? Was he to scold me for looking like I was having fun?

I wanted to look at him seriously and tell him that I wasn't, so he wouldn't take me away.

But why did I care? They'd surely protect me... right?

I walked over to him at that time, my bare feet still uncovered.

I remember the group of the four boys looking at me in confusion, and nervousness ( mostly on Leorio's part).

" Now, what happened to you, little fruit? " Hisoka asked looking at my bloody leg.

I looked at it lazily and shrugged without much expression. Not like I ever had an expression on my face anyways.

"Let me see. " he said and suddenly picked up my leg, making me bounce on the good one.

He twisted it under his pale and clawed hands, making me grit my teeth together, my jaw tightening at the pain he was causing me right now.

I know he was intentionally pressing his thumb into the skin tissue next to the hole, I knew he loved to torment me even if I stayed by his side all the time and did everything he told me to.
What was it? Because I'm starting to become human around other people who aren't psychopaths and love to kill people?

Suddenly, a hand gripped my shoulder, and I turned my head to see Gon smiling like nothing was wrong.

" We were wondering where you went! Let's go back . " Then, Gon ripped me away- yes, forcefully- and patted my shoulder repeatedly, while he took slow steps back to the group.

Now, we were on the boat traveling to zevil island after drawing badges that were going to be our targets.

It took a while to reach us, and I went first, as I was the first to enter through the doors anyways.

I dug my hand into the box and the sensors beeped on all four sides, scanning the number which I selected.

The number wasn't visible, as it was covered with a white sticker, and it made me wonder who my target could be. I wasn't originally in the anime, so worth could be paired up with me that threw the whole thing off of proportion?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2023 ⏰

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