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𝙄𝙉 𝙒𝙃𝙄𝘾𝙃 miyoko starts to bridge the gap.

got closer to the rest of the applicants and the gate to the second phase, she had realized that there were very less.
Some were on their knees panting for air that they felt would never come, some were on the ground, soaking up as much rest as possible, and some just wait patiently.

" Looks like we made it in time. " Kurapika says, breathing a bit heavier than his normal breathing rate.

Gon and Kurapika continue to walk, so Miyoko followed after them as Gon moved his head from side to side.

" But where's Leorio? " he questioned.

They continue to walk, and get a glimpse of Hisoka's smiling face through a sliver of the applicant's backs, seeing him point to the left.

They look over. " There he is! " Gon exclaims, and run over.

Miyoko approaches Hisoka, as she sees him curl his index finger at her.

As she was about to walk farther, Kurapika grabs the crook of her arm.

" You should stay by us for a little while." he says, and she could see a little bit of revulsion in his face at the slime sticking to her kimono sleeves.

Miyoko glanced at Hisoka who raised his shoulders and had disappointment on his face, blowing a raspberry.

Miyoko nodded once, and let Kurapika take her away.

Gon set Leorio's case down by his outstretched legs, and Leorio leaned up right on a tree, rubbing the nape of his neck.

" Man, that stings. How the hell did I get beat up so badly? " Leorio was right, it seemed like it wasn't a big deal at first but his cheek swelled up to cover the corner of his mouth and the corner of his eye.

Miyoko noticed kurapika's arm was still clasped around her own, so she placed her cold and pale hand over his, startling him. She gently unfurled his knuckles so that his hand fell away, and he gingerly wiped it on his white linen pants, giving her a stand-offish look.

He focused back on Leorio, and both him and gon have Leorio a surprised look. "Huh? "

Kurapika leaned down to Gon's height and whispered in his ear, " We probably shouldn't tell him that he got beat up. "

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