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TW, mentions blood.

trip felt like minutes went by! ” Leorio complained.

Mumbles of agreement escaped a few other applicants sleeping in the same room.

Everyone was shuffling about, and gathering their things, some even wondered if breakfast was being served.

“ Miyoko. ” Kurapika drawled, still slightly tired himself.

Her unconscious form only stayed still.

“ It looks like she hasn't slept for fourteen years, and she hasn't even been alive that long. ” Leorio muttered and scratched his cheek.

Kurapika observed the girls sleeping face.
She tried to hide it but thanks to her wet hair and skin, all of her skin-colored powder she put on her face had been rinsed off.

Kurapika placed a gentle hand on her shoulder and shook her lightly.
“Miyoko... ” he said gently, carrying out the y in her name.

“ The airship landed. ” he announced, and she stirred.
He retracted his hand when she sat up sleepily, her eyes still closed and her black tresses sticking up everywhere.

A chuckle came from Kurapika and he watched as her eyes finally opened.

He didn't get used to the bright dandelion yellow and gold irises staring back at him.

She got up fully and unfolded her kimono, starting to wrap the decorative layer over the layer she was already wearing.

Then she wrapped her obi around her waist and overlapped it again, and tied it off.

Very gently, she placed each dagger back in the folds of her obi and ran her fingers through her hair.

Some watched, mesmerized and others simply were ignorant to the whole thing.

You don't have to wait for me. ” Miyoko's voice called out softly, making both males flinch.

Leorio looked to Kurapika and he glanced at the taller male.

“ We'll wait, it's alright. ”

Well when Kurapika said it like that it seemed like Leorio had no choice.

She twirled a large piece of her hair around and around until it was bunched tightly between her fingers, and started to form them into buns on either side of her head, and took long pieces of her hair on either side of her bangs and pulled them toward each bun, clipping it there so it stayed.

Then, she was finished, long hoops of her hair hanging on either side of her face connecting to her buns.

Kurapika smiled down at her while she joined them.
He didn't know why she was warming up to him specifically but he greatly appreciated it.

    𝐋𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄   ,  ᵍᵒⁿ ᶠʳᵉᶜᶜᵉˢ Where stories live. Discover now