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𝙄𝙉 𝙒𝙃𝙄𝘾𝙃 Miyoko doesn't understand things much anymore.

𝙒𝙃𝙔 did she act on her own?


Protecting him. If Gon was honest to himself, he really thought that girl was going to sit back and watch it all happen.

He was going to be angry with her, for not helping him. He thought she was going to be just like this creepy clown-looking guy.

But she wasn't, he guessed. There was a second where she watched, her eyes like walls that Gon couldn't read.

But then she was gone from her spot, and she was grabbing Hisoka's neck too.

It would probably look funny to other people, how Hisoka was grabbing Gon and the Hisoka himself was being grabbed.

Gon watched, sweat dripping down his cheek as his bronze eyes watched her lean in closer to Hisoka's ear, and whisper.

She stared at Gon too while she did it.
It made him feel weird.

He black tresses hanging from her buns layered a top of Hisoka's shoulder, and her lips moved.

" Let go of him. " Miyoko says, her voice as soft as a breeze, but as much as Gon strained his ears, he heard her, but couldn't understand what she was saying.

It sounded like an absolutely different language.

" Mmn, but I said nothing would happen. " his voice became gravely, and then Gon noticed she held a small black dagger underneath her index and middle finger to a vein in Hisoka's pale neck.

Hisoka's hands tightened to the point Gon's mind went into static, and Miyoko already pushed the blade two milimeters into Hisoka's neck.

He dropped gon in slight surprise, and Miyoko hopped off of Hisoka's back, leaving an imprint of her legs as the slime from the frog's stomach was still on her.

She put her knife away and glared at Hisoka in the corner of her eye, behind down at Gon's side and warily looking at him coughing.

Hisoka bent down as well.

" Don't worry. I didn't kill your friend, he's fine. It's because he passed." Hisoka starts to chuckle.

    𝐋𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄   ,  ᵍᵒⁿ ᶠʳᵉᶜᶜᵉˢ Where stories live. Discover now