Sibling bondingprom and DRAMA

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I stared at my brother in shock!
"What do you mean you want me to come prom shopping with you," I said between tears.
"Stop laughing Perrie. I really need to get this prom thing right for Lexi and who better to ask then you!" He sighed.
"What makes u think I'm such an expert," I snorted.
"Well you are a girl."
I was about to say a load of stuff about how I was 100% not the girl to ask about prom but then decided I really did need to go shopping for prom since it was only two days away.
"Okay fine will go to the mall in an hour,be ready or im going alone,"
Alex grinned.
"Thanks Perrie your the best, He said before shooting upstairs to get ready.

After I had ate my cereal I made my way upstairs to get dressed and showered.
Once I was all done I went downstairs and saw Alex sat on the couch. "Wow she's finally ready," He groaned.
"Shut up or I'll Change my mind about this whole shopping trip," I teased.
He shut up at that and followed me out of the house to my car.
I hopped into the drivers seat and patted down my hair that had been messed up by the wind. This was going to be one hard shopping trip!

"Oh my god Alex,just hurry up and choose a suit," I groaned. We had been in the same shop for 50 minutes now. He was trying to find the right suit for prom but the shop conditions weren't very good. By that I mean there was no air conditioning and it was boiling.
"Hey PERRIE come check this one out," My brother called. I rolled my eyes and got out. As I got up I tripped over my shoe laces and fell straight into a rack of suits,which by the way came tumbling down. I felt my face burn up and since the rack had made such a big noise whilst it fell down most of the people in the shop were staring at me. Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse I turned around to see Chelsea taking a photo of me. That B*tch.
Alex was in tears when he saw me and couldn't stop laughing. The only thing that did make him stop was when he saw Chelsea who by now was gloating like crazy because of the photo. I gave Alex a look and he instantly went over to Chelsea.
"Chelsea I swear if you don't delete That photo,right now I'll remind everyone of the time You leaked through your white jeans," He threatened.
What! Chelsea had leaked through her white jeans! This was too funny.
"I told you Alex it was Ketchup," She grumbled.
"Delete the photo now," He warned.
She groaned and tapped something on her phone and showed it to us.
"See all gone and if you ever bring that incident up again Alex I'll make sure your life is ruined," She threatened.
"You bitch,dont threaten my brother only im allowed to that," I said angrily.
I stood up from the pile of suits on the floor and glared at her.
"I don't have time for this!" she said before walking away.
I high fived Alex in glee. We had beaten the little b*tch at her own game.
"Thanks for that Alex. By the way did she really leak through her white jeans?" I asked.
"Yup in art class two years ago,but I still have the picture in case of times like this," He grinned.
I burst out laughing and couldn't stop for like 5 minutes until I was in pain.
"Now come and look at that suit I was talking about."
I followed him and was surprised to see it was actually quite nice. It was black and not too business type but not too laid back.
"Good choice,get that one!"I told him.
"Do you really think so?" He asked.
"Yeah definitely get it," I told him.
"Ok I'll go try it on," he told me as he walked off with the suit.
After five minutes he came out of the changing rooms and he looked great.
"That is definitely the one,Lexi is going to love it," I told him.
He grinned and went back into the changing room to change out of the suit. Now I needed to find a dress. Oh god!

After we had paid we went into subway to get some food. Once we were done eating I decided to go into the same shop I had gotten most of my dresses from. I went inside and looked around. As I was going through the racks I saw this really pretty dress. It was a long ball room type dress that was different shades of deep pink and red. As I was admiring the dress I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and smiled. It was a sales assistant.
"Excuse me miss but If your looking to wear this dress to prom it would be an excellent choice."
"Yeah I think I might try it on," I said.
"Would you like any help?" She asked.
"No thank you im fine," I smiled. She nodded and went back to what she was doing. I found my size in the dress and made my way to the changing rooms. It was perfect! I went out of the changing Rooms and called Alex.
"What do you think ?" I asked.
"It's perfect Perrie now hurry up and pay before my i die of boredom," he moaned.
I rolled my eyes and went back to get changed.

The Bad Boy Borrowed My Tampon (undergoing serious editing) Where stories live. Discover now