Cheaters,Family and Presents

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I ran down the stairs and grinned. It was christmas,it was finally christmas.
Nathan's family were coming over today for christmas dinner. I grinned at looked at the clock. It was 9 am and no one was up! I went upstairs and slipped into Alex's room and sneaked up to his ear.
He woke up immediantly and looked very angry.
"Perrie you b*tch are you trying to make me deaf," He groaned.
"Alex its f*cking christmas get your ass out of bed. I got you the greatest gift ever," I said knowing this would get his attention. He grinned and jumped up.
"Ok then lil sis bring on the gifts," He grinned.
"Stop calling me lil sis who cares if you were born 4 minutes before me!"
"But im still older," He smirked and ran downstairs.
I went into my parents room and saw my mom fast asleep but my dad wasn't even in the room.
what the hell?
"Mom its christmas! Wake up,I got you a present,"
She rubbed her eyes with the back of her hands and groaned.
"Im coming, im coming."
I grinned and ran back downstairs and went into the kitchen. I went to the fridge to get a glass of OJ and noticed a note on the fridge.
"Dear kids,
Due to work I am unable to be here for christmas day as I have a very important conference to attend to from work.
I love you both so much and wish you merry Christmas-
Dad x"
I read it over and over again and stared blankly at the wall.
He couldn't take a day off for christmas. FOR F*CKING CHRISTMAS.
No! He wasnt going to do this to us! I ran upstairs and slipped into my jeans and black Hollister hoodie.
I put on my converse and grabbed my car keys. I ran out and got into the car. After twenty minutes I arrived at my dads office. I jumped out of the car and locked it. I walked into the empty lawyers firm and wasn't surprised that it was so quiet. It was christmas after all and normal people took the day off to be with their families. I walked silently up the hall and made my way to the elevator. I smiled at the very few people who were working today and stepped into the elevator. I pressed the button that would lead me to the floor that my dads office was on.
I walked out of the elevator and walked down the hall and opened the door to my dads office.
My eyes widened in shock and I let out a scream. My dad was sitting on his desk making out with his PA (personal assistant)
They both stared at me in shock and I slammed the door shut. That b*stard hadnt taken the day off for work,he had taken the day off to be with his mistress. He was a dirty,cheating liar. My mother was gorgeous,with her blonde hair and gleaming blue eyes. She may of been turning 40 in a couple of months but her skin hadnt sagged one bit and she didnt have a single wrinkle. Why would that bastard give up everything,us for that slutty b*tch.
I ran out of the elevator and ran to my car. Tears were streaming down my face and I was shaking. Never mind christmas was ruined,my whole f*cking life was ruined. I stared down at the steering wheel of my car and cried.After five minutes I wiped away my tears and noticed my dad coming out of the building and running towards my car. I quickly started the car and raced off. There was no way I was ready to face my family and friends or even talk to that lying,cheating b*stard.
I drove around town for nearly two and a half hours until I thought of the bar that would be open today. I drove there and parked my car. I walked into the bar and was greeted by the smell of beer and cigarettes. I walked towards the front of the bar and took a seat on the bar stool.
I turned around a saw a guy around my age. He had jet black hair and twinkling blue eyes. He had an amazing jaw line.
"Hey babycakes what you doing in a bar on christmas day," He asked.
"Thats my business which i'd rather not share,"I replied harshly.
"Take it from me. Go home and be with your family babes,the maniacs come out tonight looking for young pretty,innocent,virgin girls to kidnap and become their next prey."
"How do you know am a virgin?"
"Well are you," he asked.
"Maybe I am,maybe im not."
"Your a feisty one I see."
I glared at him,finished my drink and got up.
"Ill see you around babycakes," He said.
"I doubt that," I said as I walked out of the bar.
I got in my car and sighed. What the hell was I supposed to do?!
I looked at my phone and saw 6 miss calls from my mom,5 from Alex,7 from Nathan and surprise,surprise 3 from my scum bag father. I decided to go back home and let our family have one last happy christmas. I made my way home. After ten minutes of driving,I was in the garage of my house. I got out of the cat and locked up. I went inside and flattened my outfit down. I opened the front door and went inside. My mom was sitting at the fireplace and my brother wasn't even in the room. Nathan's family were sat at the table and everyones eyes were on me.
"Perrie,for heavens sake where have you been. We were worried sick," My mother said.
"Im sorry mom I had business to attend to," I bluntly let out.
"And you didnt think to call any of us or even text," She let out.
She walked across the room to me and wrinkled her nose.
"Have you been drinking?"
"Yup," I said popping the P.
"shower right now Perrie," She said as she took me upstairs.
Once the Vandersons could no longer here us my mom raised her hand up and slapped me across the face.
I gasped and rubbed my stinging cheek.
Alex came out of his room and widened his eyes.
"What are you doing mom?"He whisper screamed.
"How dare you Perrie. You showed yourself and this family up. What are the Vandersons going to think huh?
Do you think that im going to allow you to go out drinking on christmas day?!" She shouted.
I bit my tongue from stopping myself from telling them the real reason why I didn't come home.
I nodded.
"Ill go take a shower," I mumbled.
I felt her gaze on me as I made my way to my bathroom.
I shut the door and stared at my cheek in the mirror. My cheek was red and stang. This was all that bast*rds fault. I quickly undressed and stepped into the shower.

Once I was dressed I made my way downstairs. I smiled at Nathan and his family and made my way into the back room. I sat on the table and let out a deep breath.
"Perrie where were you today?" Nathan asked.
I jumped and looked up.
"Does it really matter,im here now arent I," I snapped.
"Perrie whats wrong?"
I looked into his eyes and felt a tear roll down my check. He hugged me whilst I quietly sobbed.
"What happened?" He asked.
"It -it was my dad. I saw him today at his office making out with another woman," I cried.
"Oh Perrie I'm so sorry" He said as he hugged me.
"What am I supposed to do Nathan?"
"Well I think you should tell your mom what you saw but tomorrow ok?"
I nodded and let out a breath I hadn't realised id been holding.
He took my hand and we made our way back to the dining room.
I took my place at the table and noticed that the presents hadnt been opened. The presents. This morning that was one of the main things I was excited about but now they seemed like the most unimportant thing ever.
"Well since Perrie has finally decided to join of us I think we shall open the presents whilst we wait for the turkey to finish cooking," My mom said catching everyones attention.
Everyone nodded and we made our way to the christmas tree and sat down.
I sorted the presents into piles and handed them out.
"Okay everyone,open your presents," I announced.
Everyone grinned and desperately ripped open the wrapping paper to see what they had received. I opened my presents and had the biggest smile ever on my face. I had gotten :
A limited edition set of GHDs which were from my mom and dad.
A pandora charm bracelet with two charms. One in the shape of a butterfly and the other in the shape of a heart. I turned the heart one over and saw it had some writing on it. I read it and saw it said ' I love you Perrie'
I looked over at Nathan and grinned.
I love you too I mouthed over to him. He grinned and made a love heart sign over his heart. I chuckled and blew him a kiss.
I turned over and opened the rest of my presents.
A Mac make up set and my all time favourite Victoria secret perfume from Julia. She must of slipped it under the tree when I wasn't looking.
A $100 gift card to any shop in our mall from Ben. That was definitely going to come in handy.
A beautiful pink and white duvet set from Nathans parents.
And a Michael Kors watch from Alex.
Wow! I had the most perfect friends and family.
"Oh my gosh guys thank you so much for everything," I grinned.
"Your welcome," They all said in unison.
I laughed.
"Wow Perrie! You got me a guitar," Nathan said with the biggest smile ever across his face.
"Yup the girl in the store said it was the best one in the entire store. But Nathan the Pandora charm bracelet and charms are stunning. I love them so much,"I said as I hugged him.
Alex made gagging noises and I punched his shoulder.
"No need to be mean just because your girlfriend isnt here," I laughed.
Lexi and her family had gone to Chicago to visit her relatives over the holidays.
He chuckled.
"Thank you though Perrie your present is just what I needed."
"I know im the best sister in the world and thank you for the watch its beautiful," I said.
"I know im the best arent I," He grinned.
"And thank you Aunt Tessa your gift was perfect," I said to Nathans mom and dad.
"Oh dont worry Perrie,Your gift was great,thankyou Pete really needed some aftershave you know,He really does stink sometimes.
I burst out laughing and Pete glared at his wife.
"Dont worry Perry she really needed the Perfume set her BO gets too bad sometimes," Pete said to me.
I laughed and Aunt tessa glared back at her husband.
"And thank you Perrie," My mom thanked me as she hugged me.
"Im sorry about earlier," She whispered into my ear.
"Dont worry about it," I smiled.

"Ok guys back to the table we need to ear this dinner before it gets cold," My mom grinned.
We all chuckled and took our places at the table.
This christmas wasnt so bad after all we dont need cheating lying pigs in this family.

Soo I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and some you might be like damn why cant Perrie just have a drama free christmas but I figures itd be a lot more interesting if this book wasnt too cliche 😉
Anyway thank you so so so so much to all of you,Ive been getting so many votes and im so so grateful. Thanks guys.
( picture of Perries outfit on side )
Not yet edited

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