Nails,Kitchen kisses and brother kindness

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I sat on my bed,painting my nails. The words Nathan had said to me last week were playing through my head. Did he really mean it ? Did he actually like me more than a friend ? And why did his words affect me so much? I mean he was just plain old Nathan. Annoying Nathan. My brothers best friend , Nathan. I sighed. And that when I realised. I was starting to fall for Nathan Vanderson. All the time we had spent together I had actually fallen for him. I am so stupid. As if he actually liked me more then a friend. He was probably trying to play me but a part of me was telling me that I was wrong and that maybe just maybe he might actually like me too. I brushed away the thought. Nathan did not date girls like me. He dated girls that were blonde and had big boobs. I mean he was dating Chelsea. I waited for my nails to dry and stood up. I was still in my crop top and short shorts. It was hot last night so that was all I wore for bed. I put my hair back into a messy bun and went downstairs. As I stepped onto the bottom steps I realised someone was here. I looked towards the sofa and saw it was Alex and Nathan. I cringed. Shit.
Nathans POV
I stopped listening to what Alex was saying and turned around. It was Perrie. I hadnt talked to her since the incident on the roof. She looked hot. Her shorts were really short and she had a short top on too. I watched her walk into the kitchen. I had to talk to her. I felt guilty for leaving her especially after I told her I liked her. Which I do. I really like her. Not just as a friend but as something more. She wasnt just Alexs sister anymore. I got up.
" Hey dude im just going to grab a soda from the kitchen," I told Alex.
I made my way to the kitchen and saw Perrie sitting on the kitchen counter , her eyes glued to her phone. I cleared my throat to get her attention. Her eyes fell on me.
" What,what do you want? Have you come back to make me feel like more of a slut," she spat out.
"No erm I just came to see how you were," I let out. What the f*ck did I just say. This is so unlike me. I never get flustered around girls. I sighed and ran my hand through my hair.
" Im doing fine,just f*cking fine," She said her tone cold and harsh.
I sighed again and looked up at her.
I had to do it. I had to man up. I knew for a fact she would never feel the same but at least I would be putting it out there.
"The truth is Perrie,Im sorry. I like you. And not just as a friend but as something more and I know you probably dont feel the same way and probably think im the worlds biggest d*ck but I dont care. Im not a coward and I wanted to tell you how I feel. And I know you wou-"
She jumped off the kitchen counter and smashed her lips against mine. I picked her tiny body up and put her on the counter. She ran her fingers through my hair and moaned. She was so f*cking sexy. I just wanted to rip her clothes off. I wanted to do this right though. I stopped and looked into her eyes.
" I like you. I like you too Nathan," she smiled. I smiled back. Ive never been happier in my life. I know it sounds cheesy but I think shes the one and I was going to do this properly.

Perries POV

I stared into Nathans eyes.
" We have to tell Alex," I let out.
" I know," he replied.
"Well its now or never," I smiled at him. He smiled back but a panicky expression came over his face. He was scared. Alex and him had been best friends since forever and he was scared about losing his friendship with him. I went by his side and took his hand.
" Together. We will do this together," I said and pulled him towards the front room. Alex was watching tv. I cleared my throat to get his attention.
He turned around.
" We have to tell you something," I let out.
He nodded.
" I already know Perrie. I saw you and Nathan kissing just now," He replied.
I widened my eyes in shock.
"Wh-what?" I stuttered.
" Im not happy about this but if its what you want Perrie then I dont want to be the one to take that away from you. And if you Nathan ever ever hurt my sister ill f*cking kill you," He said.
" Seriously? Youd do this for me?" I asked.
He nodded.
I ran over to him and hugged him so hard.
"I love you Alex," I whispered.
" Love you too lil sis,"
" Listen dude I really appreciate this and I swear ill never ever do anything to hurt her. Ever," Nathan said.
" You better not Vanderson or I swear youll be in a hospital bed," He replied.
Nathan nodded. Alex smiled at us.
" Now one rule. If you too even dare to do any lovey dovey realationship sh*t around me Im gonna slap you both," He said and me and Nathan burst out laughing.
" Now im going out, I need some air. No having sex on the sofa whilst im gone," He smirked.
" ALEX," I screamed and threw the pillow on him.
Nathan smirked. I glared at him.
" Now get out Alex," I shooed him out.
Once he was gone I stared at Nathan.
" What now ?" I asked.
" We have some fun," Nathan said.
I stared at him in confusion.
" Perrie Henderson will you go on a date with me," He asked.
"YES," I screamed and hugged him.
He chuckled and held me in his arms.
This was definitely the beat day of my life.
I know this is pretty cheesy but whoooo Nathan and Perrie finally got together. Thoughts ? Let me know in the comments. Thanks for all your support guys. Your all amazing.
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( not yet edited)

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