Car drives,First dates and The great outdoors

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I stared down at my outfit. It was just right. I was wearing my black Hollister hoodie,my comfy black leggings and my Adidas trainers. I was wearing my hair in a side braid and I wasnt wearing much make up. Dont ask me why im wearing this to my first date with Nathan. He wouldnt tell me where we were going. All he said was wear something sporty. I got my phone off my desk and went downstairs. Nathan was sitting on the sofa.
"Im ready," I announced.
He turned around and smiled.
" Your outfit is just right," he smiled.
He pulled me over to his side.
" Now lets get going we dont want to be late," He said.
" Late for what? Where are we going Nathan?" I asked in confusion.
" All will be revealed Per Bear,"
"Seriously? Your still going to call me Per Bear," I groaned.
"Yup,"he smirked.
I glared at him and he chuckled. He took my hand and led me out of the front door. His Audi was parked outside. He opened the car door for me and I got in.
"Please tell me where we are going. I hate surprises," I moaned.
" No way," He laughed.
I groaned and looked out of the window. We drove out of the street and made our way on to the main road. After about 10 minutes I realised we were heading towards the forest.
" you arent planning to murder me are you?" I joked.
" Maybe I am Per Bear,maybe I am," He laughed.
I chuckled and looked back at the road. I started switching the radio channels until I found a good song. I found Outside by Calvin Harris and Ellie Goulding. I began singing along and tapping my fingers against the window.
Nathan laughed and I playfully glared at him.
"I could be the next Beyonce you know," I scowled.
"Erm sure. I think you should stick to school Per bear. Dropping out for a shot at a singing career wouldn't really work for you," He teased.
"If you wasn't driving right now Id slap you on your face,"
He laughed again.
"Were almost here," He smiled.
"Where are we," I asked and looked around. All I could see was Open land. A forest. Riverside Bae's forest.
"Why are we in the forest?" I asked.
He shook his head.
"Be patient."
I groaned and stared straight ahead.

"Were here," Nathan announced after 5 minutes.
I stared around.
"Erm where exactly are we," I asked.
"We Per Bear are in the forest. Were going camping," He revealed.
My eyes almost popped out of my head.
"Camping.First all of my parents would never agree for us to go camping. They don't even know were dating," I said.
"Chill out Per Bear. In about half an hour Julia,Ben,Alex and Lexi shall be joining us," He explained.
" Really? I cant believe you organised all of this. I dont even know what to say. No ones ever done anything like this for me before," I gushed. We got out of the car and Nathan pulled me into a tight embrace.
" I told you I wanted to do this properly," He let out. He smiled at me and leaned down and kissed my cheek.
"I want to make this work," He whispered into my ear.
I looked up at him and nodded.
" Does Damien know were dating," I blurted out. I may of just ruined the moment. Ugh! What the hell is wrong with me!
Nathan's face hardened.
"I didn't think that was a necessary," He said.
"Don't worry about it. Ill talk to him at school," I smiled.
"Ok," He forced a smile on to his face and took my hand. We walked towards the boot of the car and he opened it. Inside was two backpacks and a tent. A fancy looking tent.
"My dad used to go camping and when I went to visit him in L.A a couple of years back we went camping together. I loved it so he gave me this as a leaving gift or whatever," He explained.
I nodded.
" Do you miss him?" I asked.
"I guess. We had some good times together."
I looked up at him and saw a look of hurt in his eyes.
"Hes my dad you know. I know he lived quite far away for Riverside but atleast we lived in the same country. Now its like hes just abandoned me. Left me. Its not easy to go and visit him when hes living in the other side of the world,"
I squeezed his hand and pulled him into a tight hug.
"Thanks for opening up to me Nathan. Its means a lot to know that you can trust me," I told him.
He nodded.
" I want our relationship to be real. Not based on lies,Which is why I have to tell you something," He said.
"Ok, what is it?"
As he was about to answer Alex's car pulled up.
Alex got out of the car along with Julia,Ben and Lexi.
" Hey guys," I greeted them.
Alex and Nathan greeted each other and began talking about a lacrosse match that was coming up.
"Oh my god Pez I cant believe you and Nathan Vanderson are actually dating!" Julia said as she let out a small squeal. I had told her and Ben about me and Nathan last week at school. After telling me I told you so about a hundred times she went on such a high it looked like she had been taking pot.
" So guys im so excited for tonight. I bought marshmallows to toast," Lexi gushed.
" I know right Ive never been camping before but I sure as hell know some good ghost stories," Julia replied.
"They aint as good as mine though," Ben shot back. I laughed.
"Idiots we should all know by now that my ghost stories are by far the best," I chuckled.
" Will see about that tonight," Lexi laughed.
"Lets put our tents up," Alex interrupted.
"Ok so me and Perrie are sleeping in one tent,Lexi and alex in one tent and Ben and Julia in one tent," Nathan explained. Everyone nodded. I followed Nathan back to the car to get the tent.
" Just so you know this is by far the best first date Ive ever been on in my entire life," I let out as I gave Nathan a kiss on his cheek.
Nathan smiled and opened the boot of the car. He took out the tent. "By the way Julia packed your overnight bag since we didnt want to ruin the surprise," Nathan let out.
" Thank god you didnt let Alex unpack it. He would of probably forgot my toothbrush and pyjamas," I joked.
Nathan chuckled.
I helped him move the tent to our camp site. We were in a nice open area just a few minutes away from the lake. Thankfully Nathan was an expert at putting up tents. I was useless. I didn't know the first thing about tents. We went back to the boot and grabbed our backpacks. Underneath them were our sleeping bags. We gathered our stuff and put it inside our tents. It was around 4:00 and since it was winter the sun was starting to set.
"Oh my god Nathan we should find some logs to sit on and get some sticks and wood to make a fire," I said.
"Well no shit sherlock," He laughed.
"Shut up at least I was thinking rationally Ive never been camping before you know," I replied.
"I know Per bear well done for following the american movies prospective on camping. Your truly are a genius," He joked.
I playfully pushed him.
" Seriously though lets go have a look before it gets dark," I said.
He nodded his head.
" Ok lets go tell everyone,"
He whistled loudly and everyone turned around and stared at him. Trust Nathan to whistle to catch everyones attention.
"Listen up guys we need to split up in pairs and find some wood for the camp fire and Some pretty big logs for us to sit on," He explained.
" Alex and Lexi you find the wood for the fire,Ben and Jules go find one log and we will find the other one," He told everyone.
They all nodded and wondered off into the wood. I caught Julia wink at me from the side of my eye and silently chuckled. I sure did love my best friend.
Nathan took my hand and lead me into the woods.
"Do you even know where to find logs," I asked.
"Nope but we better be quick before it starts getting really dark,I have a torch but it still wont be that bright," He said.
"You really are a camping expert arent you," I chuckled.
"What can I say Per bear its my speciality,"
"Well lets put some tunes on whilst we do this," I said as I got my phone out of my pocket. I went through my songs and put on classic by MKTO.
"I love this song," I said.
He nodded in agreement.
"Oh a dozen roses anything for you to notice," He began singing. He was actually really good.
I joined in until we got to chorus and I let him carry on.
"You're out of my league old school chic like a movie star on a silver screen," We sang.
We sang the full song together as we looked for logs.
I made my way down a small hill and saw more trees and leaves. I looked around until I found some branches and logs a few metres away. I ran down another hill. I felt something hard and tripped over it. I tumbled down the hill and banged my head against something very hard. A rock maybe? My ankle was stinging like crazy and my head was killing. I had stopped tumbling but I couldn't move. I was in too much pain. I lifted my hand up and touched my head. I felt a gooey liquid. Once I moved my hand away and looked I saw that it was blood.
"NATHAN," I screamed. It was starting to get really dark and I didnt know where I was and to make things worse I couldn't even stand up. I got my phone out of my pocket and saw I had no cell signal. I groaned and cried out in pain as my ankle started to hurt even more.
I felt tears fall down my cheek. I heard Nathan's voice before everything went dark.


Hope you guys enjoyed. Sorry that I took quite a few days to update but I wanted this chapter to be really good for you guys :D

Perries hair and outfit on the side

Not yet edited so sorry for any grammatical errors

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Love you guys 😚

The Bad Boy Borrowed My Tampon (undergoing serious editing) Where stories live. Discover now