Netflix,Shopping and almost heart attacks

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I sniffled as I finished watching the notebook. Such an amazing film. Basically since Nathan and I had our huge row I had been on Netflix,eating Ben and Jerry's ice cream. I had been discharged from the hospital a couple of days ago. I got up and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked like a homeless person. My eyes were red and puffy and I had dark circles under my eyes. My mascara was smudged and my lips were dry. I was wearing an oversized sweater with shorts. My hair was in a high pony tail. Who cared? Its not like I was trying to impress anyone. I sat back on my bed and began looking for a new film to watch. As I was about to watch Pitch perfect there was a knock on the door.
"Come in," I said.
My mom came in opened my curtains. I immediately covered my eyes and hissed.
"Hunny please. Its 3pm and a Saturday afternoon. You have to get on with your life! Stoping moping around in your room acting like a morbid ghost,"
"Mom if I want to be a morbid ghost I shall be a morbid ghost," I retorted.
"Well anyways I just wanted to remind you that the Riverside Bay Annual Ball is this Friday so you better spend this time wisely on buying a gown or else ill simply have Marcus sew you one and make sure he has it is bright shocking pink," She threatened.
"No way,I think ill go shopping today,"
"Thats a good girl," She smiled as she walked out of the room.
I sighed and got out my phone.
I texted Julia:
Me: Mom wants me to go shopping for a new gown for the Annual Ball or else shes going to make Marcus,Our tailor,sew me A BRIGHT PINK GOWN!
Julia: DRAMA QUEEN! Ill be there in 10 mins since I need to buy a gown too.
Me: C u then!

I quickly got up and shut my laptop. I stripped down and went into the shower. I washed off all of the crusty makeup. Once I was done I slipped into my red skater skirt and white crop which had the words Tres chic wrote on it. I put on my White converse and put my hair into a bun. I grabbed my Bag off the back of the door and made my way downstairs.
Julia was sat on the couch. She looked pale and her eyes were red.
"Are you ok?" I asked worriedly.
"Yeah im fine," She quickly replied.
"Are you sure you dont look to good,"
She nodded and grabbed my arm.
"We have shopping to do."

I hopped out of Julias car and slammed the door shut. I put on my shades since it was so hot and made my way into the mall. I took of my sunglasses and made my way into Urban outfitters. It was Julias favourite shop but I very much doubt they had Ball gowns my mother would approve of. After twenty minutes of searching the whole store we found zilch but I did buy a pair of lace up boots which were on sale.

After four hours of endless searching we had both found nothing. I made my way to the Starbucks that was straight in front of me and ordered an iced latte.
I needed some caffeine in me. I got my latte and walked out of the shop. Julia was in the bathroom. We had just eaten lunch and she had nipped to the toilet.
I waited outside for her to finish. Her face was pale and her eyes were red. She looked even worse then before.
"Are you sure your ok?" I asked.
"Yeah its just my hay fever."
I nodded and we made our way to the escalators. When we got off them I saw a small store. It must of been new since I hadnt seen it before. I decided to check it out.
"Hey lets check that store out," I pointed.
"The one called shout?" She asked.
I nodded.
We went across to the store and it was like dress heaven. There were all sorts of dresses. Casual,Prom,elegant all sorts. I went over to the ball gown section and began searching through the racks. None of them really caught my eyes until I found a dark purple dress. It was beautiful. The neckline was embroidered with silver diamonds and the there was a piece of ribbon separating the top from the bottom. It was amazingly beautiful. I called Jules over. Her eyes widened in aw.
"Its beautiful," She let out.
"I know I'm so trying it on," I said.
I went into one of the changing rooms and slipped into the dress. I turned around and looked at myself in the mirror. It was amazing and fitted just right. The top part clung to my chest and the bottom flared out. I smiled at myself and called Julia.
"So what do you think?" I asked.
"Oh my god! That looks amazing on you."
"Really? Do you think I should buy it?"
"Definitely," she said.
"Ok let me just get changed. Have you found anything yet?" I asked.
She nodded and went back into the main part of the store. A minute later she came back with a midnight blue dress. It was so beautiful The bodice was made from lace and the bottom was similar to mine and flared out.
"Wow oh my god go try it on," I said. She nodded and went into a cubicle. After two minutes she came back out and she looked stunning. I stared at her in awe. "It looks stunning Jules all you need is a tiara and you could be a princess,"
She smiled and twirled.
"Why thankyou dear," She said in a posh voice. I laughed and she went back into the cubicle to change. We paid for our dresses and made our way out of the store.

I drove into my drive way and sighed. I was so tired. I yawned as I got out of my car and locked it. I went inside my house and switched on the lights. Everyone must be out. I put my shopping bags on the dining table and made my way to my room. I opened my door and switched on my light and screamed. I almost had a heart attack. Nathan was sitting on my bed.
"Why the f*ck are you on my bed in the dark. Was you trying to murder me or something?" I questioned.
"Chill out cupcake. Ive come to make amends Perrie."
"Amends,Seriously? Listen Nath Im not in the mood," I let out.
" Please Perrie. Its got to count for something that I at least told you the truth."
"The truth! Your talking about the truth," I shouted.
"Yeah,yeah I am." He shouted back
"Well guess what! Until you've told Damien the truth were done," I screamed.
"Perrie please!"
"No Nathan this is your last chance. If you don't tell him the truth then I really don't want to have anything to do with you."
"Ok Perrie! I love you and I will tell him. Ill tell him ok," He rushed out.
"Ok. But you have to promise me,no more lies and secrets from me," I said.
He nodded.
"I promise."
I made my way over to my bed and hugged him. He kissed me on the cheek.
"Perrie,will you go to the Riverside Bay Annual Ball with me,"
"I thought you'd never ask,"


Hiii! Hope you enjoyed reading. Please dont forget to vote and comment please please please please ;) I know I have a lot of silent readers and by just pressing the vote button or commenting it would make me feel so happy.
Love you all x

BY the way Picture of Perries dress will be in the next chapter.

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