Dancing,Swinging and graduation

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I jumped all around my room to the song bills by lunchmoney lewis.

I got bills I gotta pay,so im gonna work work everyday. I got mouths I gotta feed so im gonna make sure everybody eats.

I danced on my bed and had the music turned up so loud I didn't even notice when Alex walked in. By now he was laughing like a maniac.
I picked up my remote and turned down the stereo.
"Excuse me have you ever heard of knocking," I groaned.
"Have you ever heard of dance lessons?" he asked.
I hit his shoulder and groaned.
"I just came to double check what time graduation is at?" he asked.
"Im not really sure but it's definitely in two weeks," I told him.
"No sh*t sherlock."
"Shut up you," I moaned.
Yep it's true my high school experience would be over in 2 weeks. Thats when we had our graduation. Although I was still wary of some people Ive actually found my confidence and the old Perrie was sort of back. It wasn't as simple as it sounded though. I had to really evaluate my life as odd as that sounds. As much as I hate to admit it The therapy lessons were the things that had helped me the most. Talking things out with someone who understood what it felt like was what made me gain my confidence back. After around 7 sessions I had really found myself again and my family,friends and Nathan could see that too.
What I was looking forward to the most though was the road trip we'd planed for the summer.
That's right we were going on a frigging road trip. I was so excited. By me I mean Alex,Nathan,Julia and Ben.
We were going to have the summer of our lives. One last time together before college came and we moved on to a new chapter with our lives. I still wasnt sure which college I had got into. I had applied to a ton some were the same as Nathans and others werent.
But the One I wanted to get in to the most was UCLA.
When I was going through all the colleges It had seemed perfect. Id even took the liberty of going to their introductory tour day.
It looked amazing.
I got out my phone and texted Nathan.
Wanna hang out today?
I made my bed whilst i waited for him to reply.
Just as I put the last pillow on the bed my phone pinged.
Id love to pick you up in 20?
Sure I replied and began to choose an outfit. It was pretty hot outside so I put on a pair of high waisted shorts and a black Cami vest with my navy blue kimono. I wasnt too bothered about makeup so I just applied a little mascara and moisturiser before i headed downstairs.


'Push harder Nathan even my grandma could do a better job at this,' I whined.
And before any ideas pop in to your head me and Nathan had decided to head over to the park. As strange as it might sound at 18 years old I still didnt know how to push myself on a swing but hey dont judge me the leg co ordination is pretty hard ok.
'Perrie youre the one whos too lazy to push yourself its like 30 degrees out here' He replied.
'Hey i already told you my coordination skills are 0 as in non existing so dont blame the player blame the game my friend," I told him.
'Perrie that honestly makes no sense how is pushing yourself on a swing making you a player or hows it even a game for that matter,' he chuckled.
In return I punched his arm and laughed along with him.

'Five more minutes,' I groaned to myself as I put the pillow over my head to block out Alexs as well as my mothers shouting.
It was graduation day at long last and a couple of days ago my college acceptance letter came through! I perrie Henderson am gonna be a fricking UCLA freshman in a few months. I was so excited. Nathan was also offered a place so honestly things could not get any better.
After a few minutes I finally got up and headed to the bathroom to shower. Once i was done I headed over to my closet to decide what to wear.
After 20 minutes of trying on outfits I finally decided on my cream and turquoise dress. The top part was cream and the bottom was turquoise. It looked cute but not too casual which was perfect from graduation. I paired it with my gold belt,my gold cuff bracelet and gold necklace. I then decided on my tan coloured heels which had a black strap.

The Bad Boy Borrowed My Tampon (undergoing serious editing) Where stories live. Discover now