Pancakes,christmas movies and perfect moments.

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I opened my eyes and smiles. Last night had actually been quite good if you dont count the fact that my boyfriends ex girlfriend is here with her baby and the dad just happens to be my boyfriends brother. After I had talked some sense into him we took a walk and talked it out. We thought it would be best if Nathan slept the night to give Savannah and Damien some room. I got out of bed and stretched. I grabbed a sweater and pulled it over my tank top as it was a cold and frosty morning. I walked downstairs and smiled. I could smell pancakes. That was very unusual. I walked into the kitchen and my mouth stretched into a grin. Nathan looked ridiculously funny. He was in his boxers and a wife beater and he was dancing in the kitchen to the new Olly Murs song. I started laughing so hard and he immediately stopped.
"Care to join me," He grinned.
"What are you even doing," I asked through tears of laughter.
"Per Bear im making pancakes. And I thought no one was awake and your parents were at work," He explained.
I chuckled.
"Well i'm awake now."
"I can see that," He chuckled.
He came behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.
My lips stretched into a smile as I kissed him on the cheek.
"So when are you thinking of going back home?" I asked.
"As soon as Savannah has gone back home," He replied.
He reached over and flipped the pancake on to the plate.
He smothered the pancake in maple syrup and fresh berries. I ginned as he gave me the plate. I grabbed a fork and sat down.
My eyes widened as I ate a forkful of the pancake.
"These are amazing," I let out.
"I learnt from the very best,my mom."
"You learnt how to cook from your mom? How?!" I asked in surprise.
"When I was younger and my mom wasnt at work all that much she taught me," He told me.
"Well these are great."

After we had ate breakfast and got dressed we sat on the sofa watching Home alone 4. It was almost christmas so it made sense to watch christmas movies. I snuggled close to Nathan as I was freezing. I got up and went to the cabinet next to the tv and grabbed a fuzzy blanket. I wrapped us both up and rested my head on his chest.
I pressed play on the tv screen and we sat there watching tv and I know it sounded so cliche but the moment felt so perfect. I grinned to myself and looked up at Nathan. This christmas was going to be great.


Its so short and im so sorry but I wanted this chapter to just be calm and drama free so I hope you enjoyed. But OMG guys 5k reads!!
Wow !
Thank you guys so much and a huge thank you to all of you who voted/commented.
I love all of you guys so much.

And also guys since I dont edit a lot of my chapters ive decided that once Ive completed this book im going to be editing the whole book and improving it and all that type of stuff so sorry for any grammatical errors so far .
(Not yet edited)

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