Insanity shopping and bad decisions

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I was bored. Bored out of my bloody mind. I sat on my window seat and looked outside. The park wasnt too far away! Maybe I could sneak there and back without anyone noticing. No one was home anyway. Mother was at work and my dad was also at work and Alez had left for school an hour ago. I quickly threw on some yoga pants put on my 'Pink' Tee and put my hair in a messy bun. Who cared if I looked like a slob its not like anyone was around. All the kids were at school. I went downstairs and got some cereal. Once I was done I grabbed my keys and I locked the front door behind me. I mDe my way to the park by foot since it wasnt too far. It was safe to say I looked like a homeless puppy but oh well. I was just so happy to be outside. Day time tv was driving me mental. I crossed the road and turned right. I then found myself in lush green grass. It had just been cut and the sun was shining. I ran to the children's play area. There were some adverts pinned to the trees. I turned around to check them out and saw they were for bungee jumping What was more exciting than that. I grabbed the poster of the tree and felt my eyes light up. My day had just turned from okish to amazing. I couldnt wait to tell Julia.



Sorry for the shortness. The original chapter was deleted for some reason so I hope this is ok. 😗
Love you guys :)

The Bad Boy Borrowed My Tampon (undergoing serious editing) Where stories live. Discover now