Babies,nannies and Surprises

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I stared at her. Savannah. What the f*ck was she doing here? She agreed we wouldn't even stay in touch after I left!
"Nathan?" Savannah asked.
"Savannah answer the question. Why are you here?"
"Wait what? This is Savannah,the one who had your brothers child?" Perrie asked.
"Yup the one and only," I said.
She looked at me uncomfortably. I stared back with a helpless expression.
"Well come on then! Wheres Damien. Its time he met his baby girl," Savannah said in a casual tone. Who the f*ck did she think she was? She hasn't said a word to Damien about this for nearly two years and now she wants to play happy families?
"No," I simply said.
I was not about to let Savannah ruin Damiens life. Its not like she was struggling without him or something,she was swimming in money.
"You are not getting Damien involved in your shit,for gods sake he doesnt even know you were pregnant," I let out.
"Wait?! You didnt tell Damien?I thought we agreed over two weeks ago that you would talk to him!" Perrie said with a frown.
"Perrie there was never a right time! I didnt know what to say or how to tell him,"
Wow that was a lameass excuse.
"No save your bull Nathan! I know you wasnt even planning on telling him was you!"
"Er I dont mean to spoil your drama or anything but Ive got a baby in the car whos looking forward to seeing her daddy so if you dont mind id like to meet with Damien." Savannah interrupted.
Her eyes scanned the room until she found exactly what or should I say who she was looking for.
"No way dont you dare," I whisper screamed.
She got up from her seat and walked up to me.
"Nathan,if I want to play happy families Ill do just that," She whispered into my ear and walked off.
I got up from my sear and was about to go after her when Perrie grabbed my wrist.
"He deserves to know he has a daughter,"
I stared at her like she had gone mental.
"No Perrie he doesnt deserve for her to mess his whole life up! A kid at Seventeen! Were not living in a tv series Perrie. This is reality," I told her.
Her facial expression changed and she looked angry.
"Its partly his fault! He helped make that baby and its right to know the truth. If you dont even think he deserves that then im not sure you're the kind of person I thought you were. So you have two choices. Go and try to stop them and youll be unsuccessful by the way or you can come with me and we can take a walk under the stars and we can let them see to their business by themselves."
She was right. I mentally slapped myself for being so stupid.
I walked closer to her and placed her hand in mine. That walk sounded good.


I walked away from Nathan with a smirk on my face. I smoothened my hair out and patted down my sundress which by the way was not a good choice for this crap ass town. It was freezing. I ignored the looks I was getting from people since I was clearly underdressed. I walked up to Damien and tapped him on the shoulder. To say he looked surprised was an understatement.
"Hi," I casually let out.
"Savannah? What are you doing here?" He said in shock.
I smiled at him.
"Well ive come to tell you that your going to be a father," I bluntly let out. Better to tell him now then later. He stared at me in disbelief and looked at my stomach.
"Dont be an idiot,im not pregnant,our daughters already born."
His eyes widened.
"You mean to tell me that I have a daughter and you didnt even think about telling me till now!"
"Yup. Get over it.Shes in the car so if you want to see her I suggest you get a move on," I said raising my eyebrows.
"Shes in the car,by herself," He whisper screamed.
"Of course not the god damn nanny is with her," I told him.
"I want to see her."
I nodded and began walking out of the ball,knowing he would follow.
I shivered as I walked outside. The air was cold and Nipped at my bare arms and legs.
I hurried to the car and found our daughter and the nanny with her. She was asleep and the nanny looked half dead. I think it'd be best if we slept in a hotel tonight ,that is if they had one in this crap ass town.
I unlocked the car as Damien watched. I opened the back door and picked up my baby from the car seat. She was still sound asleep thank god. I smiled at her and turned around to Damien.
"Whats her name,"He asked as he locked his eyes on the baby.
"Her names Cara."
"Can I hold her?"
I placed Cara in his arms and showed him how to hold her. I grinned. I knew he would warm up to her. Shes a little angel,my little angel.

Hope you enjoyed. Do you guys like Savannah? Let me know in the comments section and thanks so much to all of you guys for reading and to all of those who have voted and commented. I love all of you so much

As always please please please vote.
Thanks for reading guys :)

( not yet edited)

BTW picture on the side is of Cara ( Savannah and Damien's baby)

The Bad Boy Borrowed My Tampon (undergoing serious editing) Where stories live. Discover now