Carnival kisses Unexpected surprises and Pizza

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I nodded at Damien as he typed all the things I had been saying into his laptop. We were currently in the coffee shop downtown writing out our American history paper. A few more words and we would finally be done. Since this paper counted for 50% of our grades I really couldn't afford to fail. I gave Damien a conclusion to write and he typed away. We were finally done!

" Finally," I said with a smile on my face.

" I know,took us long enough," Damien smirked.

I rolled my eyes and laughed.

" So Perrie since weve finished and its Saturday how about we go out somewhere?" Damien asked.

" Hmm well that depends. Where exactly will we be going," I asked.

" How about we go uptown to the carnival thats on?" He said. I hadnt been to the Carnival since I was 12. It was the last couple of days that it was in town for and who knew it might actually be fun.

" That sounds great," I smiled.

"Great lets get going,"

I stared around at all the kids,teenagers and adults around us. It seemed like the whole of Riverside Bay had decided to come to the carnival. Damien took his hand and put it in mine. I felt my cheeks heat up.

" Just incase we get lost," He said. He shot me a million dollar smile that made my knees feel wobbly. I smiled back and saw the Waltzer from the corner of my eye. It was a ride where you sat in a cart and it span all around. It was my favourite ride of all time. I grabbed Damien's hand and pulled him towards it.

Eleven rides later and I felt like I was going to puke. I stared down at the ground and stood still for a moment.

" Are you okay," Damien asked

" Yeah I'm just feeling a little sick," I sighed.

He took my hand and gently pulled me towards a bench. I sat down and put my head in between my legs. After a few minutes my nauseating feeling began to subside. I stood up and smiled at Damien.

" Do you want to play some Carnival games," He asked. Right now that sounded like a great idea.

" Sure," I smiled. I followed Damien until we came across a hook a duck stall. This was definitely one of my favourites . I paid the man and took the hook. After about five failed attempts I was finally able to get the duck. My face lit up and I began jumping up and down. Damien stared at me with an amused expression and began laughing.

" You sure are something special," He laughed. I glared at him playfully and turned my attention back to the game.

" Congratulations. Choose any of the prizes from the shelf," He said in a monotone voice. He was clearly bored of his job but I smiled at him and chose a giant banana from the top shelf. He had shades on and looked pretty cool to be honest. Damien stared at me and burst out laughing.

" Seriously Perrie? From all the options you chose a banana?" He smirked.

" Hey dont mock bananas theyre awesome," I said defending my favourite fruit.

Damien laughed again and intertwined his fingers with mine. We began walking and from a distance I saw Nathan,Alex and some more of their friends. Nathan spotted me and smirked but when he saw Damien holding my hand he froze. His face turned pale and I'd never seen him look like that before. I looked away and carried on walking.

This was by far one of the best days of my life. A perfectly amazing and cute guy who I happened to like had spent the day with me. Nathan was not goinf to ruin this. Damien took my hand and took me to the ferris wheel.

The Bad Boy Borrowed My Tampon (undergoing serious editing) Where stories live. Discover now