Breakups,Background checks and the gossip of the month

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I smiled nodding my head to everything Chelsea was saying as though I actually gave a shit. To be honest I dont even know why we still go out. Don't get me wrong me and Chelsea used to actually have a connection. However after a while she changed. She stopped hanging around with Julia,Perrie and that Ben dude and she changed. In fact if it wasn't for Perrie we wouldnt of even got together. If you havent already realised Julia,Perrie,ben and Chelsea used to all be best friends.


3 Years ago

Me and Alex had just got back from lacrosse practice. We had finally made the team. We were pretty excited to say the least.

" Dude to celebrate we should go to that party tonight," I told Alex.

" The one at Bryce Jacksons house?" He asked.

" Yeah,"

"Ok sure but first I need to go home and shower," He said. I had already showered and changed in the locker room but Alex wasnt really big on the showers in there.

"Ok ill just come by and wait for you," I said.

He nodded and we walked to his house.

After about five minutes of walking we were at his house. He got out his keys and unlocked the door. We walked into Perrie and her friends watching an episode of Friends.

" Hey Alex," Perrie greeted us. I looked around the room and saw a different face. She had beach blonde hair and these clear blue eyes. Needless to say she was gorgeous. She smiled at me and I smiled back.

" So Per Bear whos your friend," I asked gazing at the girl.

"First of all quit calling me Per Bear, you know I hate it and her names Chelsea.And before you get any ideas dont even think about harassing her. Shes new in town and shes my friend," Perrie sighed.

End Of Flashback

Apparently Chelsea ditched them after She began to grow popular but we were still dating so I didnt break up with her and thats how were still here now. I guess I had kind of cheated on her last night with Perrie. But for her sake and mine I was no way in hell going to tell her. She would go full on crazy mode and make sure to destroy Perrie. Perrie was actually really confusing me though. First I thought she seriously hated me and then we ended up having a steamy make out session! I havent spoken to her since though. I dont even know what to say to her.

Chelsea snapped her fingers and I went back to what she was saying.

" Why do you never listen to me," She screamed in frustration.

Maybe because your boring the hell out of me I said in my head. I looked at her and the people sitting around me. I needed to break up with her. She was driving me nuts. I didnt want to embarrass her though.

" Chelsea listen. I need to say something to you," I told her.

" So tell me. Whatever you have to say you can say it to my friends too," She said. I looked around the table and then back at her. We were sitting at pur usual table full of Lacrosse players amd cheerleaders. " Chelsea I really think we should do this in private," I sighed.

" No whatever you have to say do it now," She snapped.

" Fine! Ive had enough. We dont connect anymore and well I think we should break up," I said. She looked at me in shock. Infact the whole school began staring at us. Her cheeks flushed pink and I did feel a bit like a dick but she did insist.

" FINE! BESIDES I WAS ALREADY GOING TO DO THE SAME," she screamed. We had the whole schools attention now.


Me,Julia and Ben stared at the Popular table in shock. Nathan Vanderson had broke up with his girlfriend of three years. Wow just wow. Chelsea stormed out of the cafeteria with her friends running after them. I couldn't help think if it was about what had happened last night. I brushed off the thought but knew it was going to be lingering in my mind for the rest of the day. The school was silent for about five seconds before everyone began talking about what had just happened. This was news. Real news. In a town as small as Riverside Bay we pried on this kind of gossip. In about an hour the whole of the town would know about what happened. People would be talking about it for At Least a month.

" Oh my god guys. I remember when they first met. Cant say I blame Nathan though. She must of been a handful," Ben said. We had all been there when they had first met. After I had introduced them to each other they had met again at a party on the same day. That was back when Chelsea was nice and one of our best friends. So her and Nathan had started going out and now it was over. The bell rang and I got up to get to my next class. Great! I had American History. Well atleast I got to see Damien. Our projects were due next week so we had this lesson to do them. As I was walking the halls I saw Damien by his locker. I decided to walk with him.

" Hey," I said.

" Hi," He smiled.

" Did you see the dramatic break up today," I asked.

" Yep. Glad they broke up. That Chelsea sure is annoying," He sighed.

" Tell me about it," I replied.

He opened the door to the classroom for me and I smiled.

" Thanks," I said

He nodded his head and took his seat.

" Ok class today Im going to let you get on with your assignments which are in for next week," He said.

I went to the empty seat next to Damien.

" So how far are we on this dumb thing," He asked.

" Well we did a bit last lesson so not very far," I sighed.

We had to do about the founding fathers of America. A whole friggin 5000 word essay. I went in my bag and got out our paper.

" So Damien are you new in town?"I asked.

" Actually yeah I am. I just moved in with my stepmother and her husband. My dad and her were married but then he had an affair with my mom which is how I was born," He explained.

" Oh interesting," I Said. That was genuinely Interesting.

" Well anyway my mom and dad were moving to England and I wanted to stay In America so staying with my stepmom was the only option," He explained.

Isnt that awkward , I mean your her ex husbands affair child I thought.

" Actually no. My stepmoms really kind and understanding," He said.

Oh my god! Did I just say that allowed.

" Im really sorry Damien. I wasnt supposed to say that out loud," I sighed.

" Its okay. Trust me I was kind of expecting it," He laughed. I smiled and nodded.

By the end of the lesson we had spent so much time getting to know each other that we had barely done any of the assignment.

" Shit," I said as the bell rang.

" Its fine. Do you want to meet at the Riverside Coffee shop after school so we can finish this," He asked.

" Like a study date?" I asked.

" Yeah something like that," He said.

" Sure," I said.

I was doing a victory dance inside my head. I was actually going on a kind of date with the dream guy.



Sorry for the short chapter but hope you enjoyed.

And thank you so much guys for all the reads Ive been getting. You guys rock!

Are you guys team Nathan or team Damien? Let me know in the comments below :)
And ive chosen Matt lanter to play Damien. The picture on the side is of
Damien by the way

( Not yet edited )

The Bad Boy Borrowed My Tampon (undergoing serious editing) Where stories live. Discover now