No signal,Hospital rooms and Spinning heads

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Nathans POV

I heard her voice calling my name. Perrie. It didnt sound like her normal voice though it sounded as though she was hurt. In pain.
"PERRIE,IM COMING," I screamed. I hurried down a small hill and past a few trees. I got my torch out of my back pocket and switched it on. The bright light lit up the forest ahead of me. I ran past the trees ,shining the torch infront of me. I heard her voice again and ran a few more steps until I could hear her moans of pain. The whimpers suddenly stopped. I turned the corner and found her lying down on a pile of leaves. I shined the torch on her body and saw she had cut her head open and leg was stretched out. She wasnt moving.
"Perrie,perrie wake up," I gently shook her.
"Perrie please,please stay awake. Perrie please,please,please," I cried out. I quickly took out my phone. No signal. Sh*t no please. Please make her wake up. Please god. I got out my phone and held it in the air. I walked around. After around five minutes my phone buzzed showing that I had a signal. I thanked god and rang 911.
"Hello 911 what is your emergency?" A lady asked.
"Erm a-ambulance please. I need an ambulance at Riverside Bae national forest right away,"
I told her the rest of the details and she said an ambulance would be there in around 15 minutes. I was getting really scared now. Her head was still bleeding which I was able to see from my torch. I rang Alex but he didnt pick up. I found Lexi's contact and rang her. The dial tone started up and after a few seconds she picked.
"Hello Nathan whats up?" She asked.
"Its Perrie put Nathan on the line please,"
"yeah ok sure one second,"

"Hey man what wrong with Perrie is she ok?"
"No,no she mustve fallen and shes unconscious. Shes bleeding from her head and ive rang an ambulance," I explained.
"What the f*ck?! Oh my god. Im coming where are you?" He asked.
"I dont know dude In the middle of no where in the forest just meet us at the hospital and tell Julia and Ben to get down there too,I have to go man I need to get back to Perrie. Im here because I need a cell signal,call me later,"
And with that I ended the call and ran back to Perrie.


I awoke to the sound of singing. I turned around to see it was Jules. What the hell. I was in a hospital gown.
"Julia how long have I been asleep?" I asked.
"Oh my god Perrie your awake. You had me worried sick you idiot. Youve only been out for about 10 hours. Apparently you should be fine but still! Your such a clutz. Youve sprained your ancle and its going to be in a cast and thank god they said your heads fine," She said frantically.
"Chill out Jules. Im fine," I chuckled.
She smiled and moved closer to me and held my hand.
"So where is everyone?" I asked.
"Oh theyre all eating at the caffe," she explained.
I nodded and she grinned.
"Now go back to sleep. you need to rest babes,"


I woke up with the sun shining through my curtains. I yawned and stretched. I flattened the mess that was my hair down. I was so glad to be out of the hospital. They had discharged me around four days ago but I did have crutches because of my ankle.
I slowly got out of bed and grabbed my crutches. I made my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth. After I was done I picked out my clothes and put them on. Just as I was about to brush my hair my head started spinning and I felt my stomach turn inside out. I put the hair brush down and ran to my bathroom. I made it just in time and puked out all of last nights dinner. After I had finished being sick my head was still killing so I went downstairs to take some aspirin. I quickly finished brushing my hair and made my way to my car. I got inside and started driving. I pushed my hair back behind my ears and took deep breaths. I still felt like I needed to puke my guts out. I suppressed the feeling as I made my way into the school parking lot. I found a parking spot and got out of the car. I ran from the parking lot to inside the school. I went into the nearest bathroom I could find and looked myself in one of the stalls. I sat against the toilet bowl and was sick all over again. What the hell was going on? I unlocked the stall and cleaned my face. I tidied up my hair and put a piece of gum in my mouth. I went out of the bathroom and made my way to first period just before the bell went. I took my usual seat and sat down. I took out my pen and note book. I was currently in my history class. The only class that Alex and I shared. He was late as usual. Mrs Blake walked in and the class immediately went quiet. I stared down at the ground and couldn't concentrate on a word she was saying. The aspirin I had took early really wasn't doing much for my spinning head. Oh god. I think I was going to be sick again. I quickly raised my hand to ask for a hall pass to go to the bathroom.
"Yes Perrie," Mrs Blake asked.
"Please miss I think im going to be sick I need to go the bathroom,"
She nodded and I got up and grabbed my crutches. The whole room was spinning and I couldnt concentrate on walking straight. I tried to look around but my eyes and ears had zoned out. I walked a step and fell back against the cold hard floor.


Please dont kill me!!
I know your all going to be like why the hell is she making Perrie have another injury BUT this is like part of the thing that happened to her head and thats all im going to say. The next chapter will reveal all and whats going on.

Thanks for all your support guys.
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BTW picture of Perrie and Julia on the side 😊


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