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Cory woke up and I lend him a glass of water and an aspirin.

"Good morning hangover" I joked.0

"Funny" he said sitting on his bed with his hair all messy.

"Here, take this it'll make you feel better" I suggested as he took the aspiring and slid it inside his mouth taking a sip from the glass of water.

"Thanks" he said relieved.

"No worries" I smiled at him, sitting on my bed.

I don't know if Cory remembers what he said last night, but I don't want to bring the subject up considering I'm kind of tired of everyone telling me things and not leaving me alone, I know they're worried and they want me to have fun but I'm good as I am right now. At least that's what I think.

"Something in your mind?" he asked noticing I was lost in my own thoughts.

"How were Ginny, Sid and Paul?" I asked.

"Good, as usual, Ginny trying to hit on Paul" Cory said laughing.

"Still on that?" I asked wondering.

"Yeah, they'll never stop, it's weird" Cory said.

Ginny and Paul have always been these friends that like each other but have never really tried, Ginny is constantly hitting on Paul, especially when they're drunk and Paul sometimes gives in and flirts with her too, but they've never kissed nor slept together. Not even once. So it's kind of weird and we too are not sure of what happens between them, probably never will.

"Anyway, I have to go to class, I'll see you later" I said as Cory let out a loud sigh.

"Hey your friend Tamara was at the bar last night, she invited me to her birthday party" he said before I left the room.

"Really? That's like tomorrow isn't it?" I asked confused glancing at him.

"Yeah, tomorrow's Friday isn't it?" he asked with a chuckle.

"Yeah, finally" I said leaving the dorm.

I went to class and sat next to Paige. She was snoozing on the table.

"Psst Paige wake up" I whispered.

"No please I'm tired" she replied.

"Fine" I said looking to the whiteboard trying to pay attention to class.

After a few minutes Tamara texted me.

··{I'm hoping to see you tomorrow at my birthday party? I invited Cory too, your roommate, we saw each other at the All Saints bar}·· Tamara.-

"That's the name of the bar?" I whispered to myself, laughing.

I texted her back, trying to be as discrete as possible so the teacher wouldn't notice.

··{Sure where is it? Text me the address and I'll be there}··

She replied right away.

··{It's actually near the All Saints, it's called Enigma, girls free all night and boys free until 11, Cory probably knows where it is!}·· Tamara.-

I chuckled, 'Enigma' sounded definitely like a night club, I love to dance but it's been awhile since the last time I went dancing, so I could use some dancing now.

Class ended and I walked back to the dorms as usual, meanwhile I received another text.

'Wow I don't usually get texts so this is an odd day'

I thought to myself laughing out loud.

I entered the room and closed the door behind me, leaving my bag on a chair in the dining table and leaning my body on my bed checking my phone.

··{Hey Jill, whatcha doin tomorrow?}·· Paul.-

Paul usually texts me to have drinks or get together, not in a romantic way just as friends, we've been really good friends for a while now and he enjoys hanging out with me rather than Cory, he met Cory because of me but he thinks Cory is too much of a gossip person and he dislikes gossip.

··{I have a birthday party, you?}··

I texted leaving my phone to one side but it rang right back.

··{Oh, then we can grab some drinks on sat?}·· Paul.-

I texted him 'Sure' and left my phone aside for good, no one else is going to text me anyway. I fell asleep with my clothes on and on the bed.

After a couple of hours I woke up by the smell of lasagna, Cory was sitting on the table with two lunch boxes.

"You brought food?" I asked scratching the back of my head.

I walked towards the table. "Yeah, hope you like lasagna" he said smiling.

"I do" I said sitting next to him.

It was already 8pm so this was more like a dinner than a lunch. As soon as we finished Cory ran to the bathroom taking a shower.

"You going out?" I asked concerned.

He entered the shower. "I have a date" he said excited.

"A date?" I asked excited too.

"Yeah, I met him at the bar" he chuckled.

I leaned on the bathroom door. "Hey is it true the bar is called All Saints?" I laughed.

"Yeah, right I never told you the name of it" he laughed too.

"All Saints, oh the irony" I said.

"But it is full of saints" he sarcastically said going out of the shower with a towel around his waist and running to his closet.

"Right" I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"This? Or this?" he said showing me off two different outfits.

"That one" I said picking the left one.

"Okay" he said dressing up.

He put on perfume and fixed his hair, he was ready for his date.

"I'm out, don't go to bed too late, I won't get home drunk like yesterday. Promise" he joked.

"Alright" I said with a chuckle.

He left and I sat again on my bed. I think I should study a bit, I haven't studied anything and the days are passing by. I let out a loud sigh. I took one of my books and put it on my bed, concentrating to begin my study session.

The hours passed and I eventually fell asleep on the book leaving the lights on. By the time Cory got home he thought I was still up, but then he noticed I fell asleep on the book so he put a blanket around me, took the book out and turned the lights off, sliding his body on his bed as well.

Tamara's birthday is going to be a good opportunity to meet someone, not that I'm desperate to meet someone but maybe if I do try they'll stop breathing on my neck. At least for a while. But then again I don't want to try anymore because I think that's the main reason I haven't found someone yet, because I've tried and that's supposed to happen without trying, just happen. All of a sudden but steady. I want to feel that I have my feet on the ground, not that I'm flying into some fantasy story that will end badly.

You Suck At Love (Original Book)Where stories live. Discover now