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After a few hours passed I woke up with the sunlight in my face, I glanced at the clock. I was fifteen minutes late for the first class, so I quickly took a shower, dressed up and rushed to the class.

Paige skipped class, I think she might be worn out because of so much study, she kinda deserves the rest though. The rest of the day went by as usual, classes and then back to the dorms. Cassie was outside the dorms with a few books in hand.

"Im pretty sure we don't have study session today" I said as she shook her head.

"Let's go, there's no time for you to rest!" she yelled taking me by the arm.

"Cassie please I need to lay down for a bit—" I said as she threw me around until we got to her university which was very close to our campus.

"Shut up, you slept enough, now hurry and take the books out" she said. We both sat on a table outside a building, I looked at her confused.

"We're not going to your place?" I asked.

"Not today, I gotta work on an essay for tomorrow so..." she said letting out a sigh.

"Then I should go back to the dorms and study by myself, I don't want to bother you—"

"Hey Eitan!" she suddenly yelled.

I looked around and noticed she was waving at a group of three guys who were walking past us.

"Cassie" one of them said getting closer and waving goodbye to the other two guys.

"You're late" she said upset.

"Yeah sorry about that" the guy said sitting next to her.

"Eitan, she's Jill, Jill this is Eitan" she introduced us.

As soon as I heard his name I remembered, that's the name of Cassie's classmate that thinks I'm cute, could he be the same Eitan? I mean Eitan is already an unusual name and more than one guy with that name in the same class? That's hard. So this might be the same Eitan.

"H-Hey" he shyly said trying to smile.

"Hey" I kindly smiled back, noticing he was blushing and avoiding eye contact.

This is definitely the same Eitan I thought to myself trying to hold back a chuckle.

"So you two gotta do an essay for tomorrow?" I asked trying to make conversation.

"Yeah, but Eitan knows more about the subject so I'm just giving advise now" Cassie chuckled.

"Right..." Eitan said looking down at his notes.

"Well, I should get to studying too then" I said glancing at my books too.

He slowly tried to peek on what I was studying, for some reason I was feeling really nervous and I wasn't able to even check him out.

He had dark brown hair long enough for a man bun but he was wearing it down to one side. I really wanted to stare for a bit longer at his eyes but it was hard enough to even look at his face.

"When's your test?" he suddenly asked glancing at me.

"N-Next week" I said noticing he caught me off guard.

"It's really not that hard, relax and you'll do fine" he smiled.

"T-Thanks" I nervously said. His smile was gorgeous.

"You could help us a bit" Cassie suggested looking at me.

"What?" I asked confused.

"This essay, it has a bit to do with what you're studying" she said smiling.

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