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So you might probably think by now that I really am a mess at love, well... you're not wrong, I am a mess at love, but I feel like I'm also a magnet for douchebags, a magnet for jerks.

With everything that has happened to me, sometimes I stop and think that maybe it's me, maybe I'm the one with the problem here. You know since nobody that truly cares about me has come my way. Maybe it's the time we live in? It's pretty normal for young adults to "sleep around" and "have fun" without going any more serious than that.

Next morning as usual I had breakfast with Cory early in the morning before class.

I let out a strong sigh. "I need something to cool down" I said taking a bite from my bread.

He let out a chuckle. "I have the perfect thing, how about spa session?" Cory suggested.

"I'm not stressed Cory, I'm upset, furious!" I yelled punching the table with the palm of my hand.

"Okay then... Let's see..." he said thinking. "How about we go to the gym and do some boxing?" he said with a smile.

I crossed my arms over my chest. "No, I need to shoot, let's go shooting!" I yelled glancing at him with fury.

"Or shooting, that sounds good too" he said.

"Then let's go shooting after class" I said getting up from the table.

Cory nodded as I left the dorm, heading to my class.

Paige sat next to me, she had huge black bags under her eyes and looked extremely tired.

"Woah, you look like a zombie" I stated, she weakly smiled.

"I've been studying nonstop" she said.

I looked at her. "Jeez, you need a break" I suggested.

"More than a break I need this test to be over" she said dropping her body on the table before her.

"I've been studying too... but with Cassie's help" I said.

She yawned. "She really knows a lot, but I can't concentrate if I'm not alone" she stated.

"Try to take breaks Paige, or you'll die before the test comes" I said with a chuckle.

"I know... I'm so tired..." she said snoozing.

"Then why don't you—" I said when I noticed her already sleeping.

I smiled, I know how hard this test is but she can't push herself that much, it's not healthy and she could forget everything she's learned in the past weeks. I know that I'm probably not the best person to say that, since I've taken too many breaks and my mind's been off the test, even though I've been studying I keep thinking on what happened with Frank and Cory and the rest trying to hook me up with random guys. It gets tiring.

Paige slept during the class and I tried to pay attention but it was hard to stay awake when she was sleeping so comfortable right next to me.

After classes ended I went to Cassie's and we hit the books as soon as I got there, reading and explaining, after a few hours studying, she suddenly looked up at me.

"Hey, let's take a break, wanna stalk my classmate?" she said excited.

I looked at her confused and startled for the sudden cut.

"What classmate?" I asked.

"C'mon Jill, the one who thinks you're cute" she chuckled.

Oh, I totally forgot about that.

"I'm not a lurker Cassie, that's creepy" I said with a kind smile.

"I know you'll like him, trust me Eitan's truthfully your type" she insisted.

"I'm not stalking him, I gotta pee" I said leaving for the bathroom.

After I came back she was looking at her laptop with wide open eyes.

"Im not stalking him, get over it" I said a bit annoyed sitting next to her.

"Alright, I understand" she reluctantly said, a bit disappointed.

"Well then, where were we" I said staring at my books once again.

She looked at me disappointed, she really wanted to hook me up with her classmate but after what happened with Frank I wasn't in the mood to get into meeting guys again.

After the study session was over I said goodbye to Cassie and left her house. I went back to the dorms.

I closed the door behind me and Cory was there sitting on the dining table.

"I waited for your text you know" he said upset with his arms crossed over his chest.

"I know I'm sorry, I totally forgot I had made plans with Cassie, and study comes first you know" I said apologizing.

"I know, but still... I think you do need that shooting session" he joked.

"I know, is it still open?" I asked glancing at my clock.

"Yeah, if we hurry that is" Cory said as we both rushed outside the dorms.

We got to the shooting place, it was an underground armory shooting test store. We shot a few times, I was feeling the rage coming outside, shooting faster each time.

"Easy there, you'll be out of bullets in no time if you shoot so fast" Cory said as I nodded.

"I know" I said leaving the gun aside and taking off my security earphones.

"You done?" Cory asked leaving his aside and taking the earphones too.

"Yeah, let's go back" I said smiling at him.

We went back to the dorms and I jumped on my bed.

"Are you tired enough now?" Cory said sitting on his bed.

"I am" I said letting out a strong sigh.

"When's the test anyway?" he asked.

That's right, I've been studying so much with Cassie that I totally forgot when the test date is.

"Uh... It's next week" I said checking my phone.

"Holy crap, you only got one week left to study!" he said exalted.

"No need to remind me that" I said leaning my back on the bed.

"Well I do hope you do great" he said cheering me up.

"Thanks Cory" I said rolling to one side of the bed. "Goodnight" I said closing my eyes.

"Goodnight" he replied.

You Suck At Love (Original Book)Where stories live. Discover now