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I woke up by the loud sound of my phone ringing, I rolled to one side of the bed and checked it.

'Frank' said on the screen. I let out a sigh.

"Why is he calling this early?" I said to myself but then I noticed it was past noon. I let it rang for a bit because I was too lazy to answer.

I lifted my body from the bed and rubbed my eyes with my hands. I was still sleepy.

Today was day one of studying session with Cassie so I needed to get ready. I walked to the bathroom and took a quick shower, putting on some comfy clothes, I took my bag with my notes and books and left to Cassie's place.

As soon as I got there she greeted me with open arms, with a huge smile on her face.

"It's been a while Jill" she said pulling away.

"I know" I said with a smirk.

"Come in" she said as we both entered her house.

Everything was just like I remembered, except for her son, who came straight at me to hug me. Well that's new I thought, I'm not necessarily good with kids but this one apparently likes me. I smiled.

"This is Ben" she said introducing him.

"Hey Ben" I smiled.

He didn't answer but he smiled back, he seemed around the age of three or something.

"Now, let's begin" Cassie said sitting on a table.

"Alright" I said nodding and taking my notes out.

I read her my notes, explaining myself at all times so I would memorize the stuff, it was easier that way. The hours passed.

And passed.

She later offered me a glass of coke, I nodded.

She let out a loud sigh. "C'mon let's take a break, let's catch up" she smiled.

"Wow, there aren't much things to tell you honestly" I said with a smirk.

"C'mon how's life, how's the heart-"

The heart, why do they always ask about that? Is that obvious that I'm carving to have a boyfriend? No not really... I'm not carving but it would be nice, you know... to have someone.

"How are your parents? Collin?" she finally asked.

Collin was my cousin, the one she used to date and moved to Europe. I thought they were still in contact from time to time, after all it's been a while since they broke up, and I've known they've talked to each other sometimes.

"Collin? You haven't spoken to him?" I asked confused.

"No, I mean we don't talk anymore, not since he moved to Europe" she said with a sigh.

So they lost contact after he moved, that's a bit sad.

"I see... I've heard he's okay" I said looking away.

"So you don't speak with him that much either" she stated.

"Yeah, I don't" I said glancing at her.

Actually me and Collin had this huge fight before he left and we haven't talked since then, not that I care anyway we weren't that close to begin with.

"And your parents?" she said concerned.

"They're good, as usual" I said.


I let out a sigh, I knew what the next question was going to be about. "The heart? Single as always" I answered interrupting her.

She looked bummed. "Nothing at all?" she asked surprised.

I chuckled. "I mean, there's this guy but I don't think I'm really interested" I reluctantly said.

"Why not?" she said wondering.

"I don't know, something tells me I shouldn't rush..." I said as she chuckled.

"You rush with the wrong people Jill, you just need to learn how to pick them" she joked.

"Wish I knew how" I joked back.

We both laughed out loud.

She crossed her arms around her chest. "I haven't seen you with someone since, well him" she said.

"Oh, but he was a long time ago" I laughed. "I've had others after that" I smiled.

"You sound like you've had so many boyfriends" she chuckled.

I chuckled back. "You know that's not true" I blushed.

Maybe I wanted to follow Taylor Swift's steps on changing boyfriends until I meet the one huh? After all I'm still allowed to have fun until I fall in love, right?

She put this serious look on her face. "Now, who is this guy?" she softly touched my shoulder and smiled.

"It's a friend of Tamara" I said.

She stood there thinking for a bit. "Tamara, oh! Tamara" she said remembering.

"Yeah" I nodded.

"Okay, and is he nice?" she asked bouncing around me.

"He is but-" I said when he interrupted me.

"Give it a try Jill" she smiled.

It's not that I don't want to 'give it a try' but the thing is I think we're rushing way too much and I'm just seeing how it goes, maybe we're not made to be in a relationship but just have fun, I've had bad, really bad past relationships so I always try to be careful with new ones.

I answered what she wanted to hear. "I know" I said with a sigh.

"Okay, the break is over, back to the books" she said. Both concentrating back on the books.

A few more hours passed and after we finished I said goodbye, hoping to see her on Thursday, we agreed on meeting Tuesdays and Thursdays.

I walked back to the dorms and jumped on my bed, I was feeling really tired even though I didn't do anything but study today. Frank was on my mind, like it or not I was pushing him away for some reason, he hasn't given me any reasons to do that except rushing but maybe I should tell him, talk to him.

I called him.

"Jill, I thought you might have been busy earlier so I waited for you to call back"

"Yeah, I'm sorry for calling back so late, do you wanna come over?" I nicely asked.

He hasn't come to the dorms yet, and I wasn't feeling like going out so the best choice was for him to come over.

"Sure, I'm on my way" he said hanging up.

After a few minutes Frank knocked at the door, I opened it and hugged him. Yes I hugged him. I don't know where that came from but I felt like doing it.

"Hey" I said smiling at him, pulling back.

"H-Hey" he said blushing.

"Come in" I said as we both sat on the dining table.

"So, how's the study going?" he asked worried.

"Now is going better because I found a studying partner and she already took that test and passed" I smiled.

"That's awesome, glad to hear that" he said smiling back.

We stood there for a few minutes until I sat on the bed rolling to one side.

"This might be weird but I'm a bit tired would you spoon me?" I asked, he looked at me impressed.

He got up from the dinning table. "Spoon you?" he asked still surprised.

"Yeah" I said blushing when I felt his warm arms around my waist, his face resting in my right shoulder. I could feel his breathing on my ear and his body pressed against mine.

I chuckled. "Thank you" I said as I felt him smiling.

I fell asleep.    

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