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We all got together at Sid's, we were sitting on a round table, Cory to my right, all having drinks and chatting about life, suddenly Sid's girlfriend Fay sat next to me, I haven't seen her in a while so she might just want to catch up.

"I've heard some rumors" she cheekily said.

I opened my eyes and looked at her confused. Rumors? I thought. That's weird.

"Oh don't look so surprised, the world's small enough for all of us to know each other" she joked.

"I still don't know what you're talking about" I chuckled, still confused.

She laughed, she was being serious about the 'rumors' but I had truly no idea what she was talking about, I mean we haven't seen each other in a while, what can she possibly 'know' about me or have heard?

"You and Frank silly" she said poking my arm.

Wait what? Me and Frank? I thought shocked. Tamara got closer, interested in the conversation.

"What?" I said out loud as she laughed.

"Well, Frank's best friends with my best friend, so he told me Frank was dating one of my friends, I asked who and he said you, so that's that" she smiled.

I swallowed, I didn't know we were now 'dating' we haven't even been going out for that long, for some reason this was uncomfortable.

I let out a sigh. "We're dating now?" I reluctantly said.

She looked at me confused. "You're not?" Fay asked.

"I mean, we went out a couple of times, we're getting to know each other but no, we're not like... dating" I said and Tamara glanced at me.

She had a sad look, she was also quite nervous and about to say something but she didn't.

I glanced at her, wanting to know why she was holding back. "Something wrong Tamara?" I asked.

She didn't look at me, she kept her sight on the floor. "Nothing, it's just impressive how small the world is" she said smiling.

"True..." I said not so convinced.

Fay noticed tension in the air so she began talking again. "Sooo, you two are not dating, but he likes you, he spoke for a long while with my best friend about you and your great personality, how gorgeous you were and all" she chuckled.

I blushed "Oh" I said followed by a chuckle.

"That's cute!" Cory said from afar.

"Shut up..." I said trying to hide my blushing.

Everyone began mocking me, some saying they should meet him soon, others saying it wouldn't last since I'm a free bird, seriously? Who are you guys to judge? That's also something that really bothers me from my group of friends, always sticking their noses where they shouldn't.

"By the way he's doing this huge party with my best friend too, next weekend, it's gonna be insane, are you coming?" Fay asked.

Tamara immediately shook her head. I looked at her a bit confused.

"I don't think Jill would come" she said I glanced at her.

She's got a point, I'm not one to usually go to parties but why was she so sure about that?

"True, I have a lot to study yet and I haven't even properly started" I said with a sigh.

Everyone laughed.

"Oh, well I'm pretty sure Frank will try to convince you" she winked.

I chuckled. "Sure..." I said as Tamara looked away.

Something's up with Tamara, she's lying through her teeth and it's obvious, I know there's something she's not telling, or maybe she doesn't want to share. We kept on talking about the party but like Tamara said I wasn't very excited about it. Even Cory was excited to go, Cory, who doesn't even know Frank.

Maybe I am the problem? Maybe I'm pushing people away?

The evening ended and we all went back home, Cory tried to convince me the whole ride home to go to the party but I wasn't into it.

"Cory I told you, I have to study" I said closing the door behind me, he jumped on his bed.

"I know that! But you have this whole week to start and get to it, then you can relax on the weekend!" he said excited.

"I'll think about it alright?" I finally said so he would stop.

I put my head on my pillow but I didn't fall asleep just yet, my mind began to work and made me question whether I like being with Frank or not, I can't just date someone because my friends don't want me to be alone, right?

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