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I woke up not feeling too well, my body felt heavy and I could barely breathe without blowing my nose. I softly got up and sat on my bed, with my throat in pain I softly called out to Cory, who was by the bathroom.

His head popped out of the doorframe. "Jill are you ill?" he asked worried getting near me.

"I'm feeling like shit" I said sneezing.

He looked at me worried. "Woah there, you're gonna spread it if you keep doing that" he said getting away. "You need a tea and some aspirin" he suggested lending me two aspirins and a hot tea.

"Thanks" I said taking them and taking the hot tea he made me.

He crossed his arms over his chest. "You had to get sick today huh? It's freaking Friday!" he said letting out a sigh.

I looked up at him. "It's not like I wanted to get sick" I said leaving the cup to one side and pulling the blanket towards me so I could cover myself.

"So you're staying in bed today?" Cory asked, getting up and walking to the door.

"Yeah, I just want to sleep and die" I said rolling to one side of the bed, closing my eyes.

Cory left the dorms and I stayed in bed, the whole day, sleeping the most part of it. The day passed.

Cory closed the door behind him waking me up, I turned my head around to glance at him and tried to smile.

"You still look like shit Jill" he joked.

"I know, I feel horrible and I've slept the whole day waiting to magically recover" I joked.

He got closer and put his hand on my forehead. "I think you have a bit of temperature" he said giving me yet another remedy.

"Thanks" I said.

"Anyway, take some rest, goodnight" he said covering me with the blanket and sitting on his own bed.

Next morning I was feeling a bit better but I still wasn't in shape to go to Frank's massive party, even though Cory gave me an arsenal of medicament, this cold wasn't going anywhere.

"Jill, I'm not going if you're not going, we're a pack you know?" Cory said with a sigh looking at the roof.

I rolled to his side so I could look at him. "Oh no please, if you really wanna go, just go" I insisted.

"No, it won't be the same without you, I don't know anyone but Tamara and I'm not even that close to her" he said.

"True that, but are you sure you don't want to go?" I asked from under the covers.

"Not without you that is" he said smiling.

I smiled. "That's sweet" I said sneezing.

He looked at me worried and the mocked me. "Jeez, you really need to get well soon, study sessions are being lost" he laughed.

"I know that, thanks for reminding me" I said closing my eyes.

"Oh well, I guess that's my cue to get out of here, I'll see you later" Cory said getting up, and walking to the bathroom to take a shower and get dressed.

I overslept the whole evening once again, around 10pm Frank texted me, I checked my phone.

{Are you coming? I'm very excited to see you Jill!} Frank.-

I let out a sigh, and texted him back.

"I'm sorry, I'm in bed very sick... have fun"

That probably sounded like a crappy excuse but he'd have to understand either way. I was hesitating on going before getting sick but it was also for a good reason.

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