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Cory was having breakfast by the dining table, watching the news. "Are you still upset?" he asked concerned.

I crossed my legs under my body in my bed. "More than upset, it's frustrating knowing something and act like nothing's happening" I said letting out a sigh.

He frowned. "I know what you mean" he said.

I looked at him with sadness. "And more frustrating is the fact that Tamara tells me this but she's not sure whether he's been hooking up with both at the same time or not? I mean, you don't go dropping bombs like that and expect nothing to happen" I said crossing my arms over my chest.

He glanced at me. "Do you think he's been hooking up with both at the same time?" he asked.

I yelled angry. "Considering the stuff that has happened, yeah I do, I mean he was supposedly seeing me, yet he fucked the other girl three days ago, that sounds like an asshole who doesn't care about anything" I said clenching my fist.

"I'm honestly more scared about how you'd react when he shows up" Cory stated.

I pressed my lips. "Oh, trust me, you don't want to be around" I said as someone knocked at the door.

"Then I think this is where I head out" he said opening the door, saying hi to Frank and leaving the room.

"Hey" I said trying to hide my upsetting face.

"Jill" Frank said trying to hug me, it was the most awkward hug ever.

We both sat on the dining table, he took a deep breath looking at me straight in the eye.

He looked at me worried. "There are a lot of things I haven't told you, and I want to tell you because I really like you Jill, and I don't want to mess up—"

Mess up? I think you already did. I thought letting out a small sarcastic laugh.

He looked at me scared. "So, before I met you I met one of Tamara's classmates Sam, I recall you've met her before" he said.

I looked at him, I couldn't really understand if this was reality or just a dream, he was getting off track and it was pissing me off. Who gives a damn if I've met her or not, seriously.

"Well... something happened between us, we hooked up a couple of times and then... you and I happened, Tamara's birthday. I stopped seeing Sam, she was still looking for me but I wasn't interested so I cut her off" he said trying to grab my hand, I pulled away.

"So you stopped seeing her when you began to see me?" I asked, I knew the answer but I wanted him to answer.

"Yeah" he lied. Right to my face.

I could have noticed the lie from two blocks away. He was definitely lying and I was about to punch him in the face.

I swallowed. "What happened at the party? I know she went" I said trying to avoid Tamara's name in the conversation.

He nodded. "She went, yes but nothing happened, she left her glasses at my place and I gave them back next day, nothing more" he said I wanted to laugh so much at his face.

I rolled my eyes. "Okay, so you're telling me this because...?" I asked confused, he wasn't going to tell me the truth because I'm sure he was playing both sides.

"Because Tamara said it would be best for you to know, so no confusion would happen between us" he said smiling.

And you dare to smile in a situation like this? I thought almost losing it.

I falsely smiled back as he grabbed my hand.

"So we're good?" he asked as I nodded.

"Sure" I reluctantly said.

He hugged me and we said goodbye, I immediately called Tamara.

"He didn't say a word Tamara" I quickly said as soon as she answered.

"But, I thought he was going to tell you?" she said as I let out a sarcastic laugh.

"Well he didn't, he kept on lying. I'm gonna tell him I know and end this crap" I said annoyed.

"No, please don't... I'd lose his friendship if he finds out I told you everything" she said and I yelled.

"Are you for real?!" I said almost throwing the phone away.

"Please Jill, just leave it as it is" she said.

"Leave it as it is, alright, so you go and drop bombs as you please and then you expect nothing to happen, you could've saved it for yourself in that case, I mean thank you for telling me but it's no use if I can't do shit with this information" I said hanging up.

I was so upset at her that I could truly squeeze her throat.

I tried to calm down but all I could think of was killing Frank and Sam and Tamara. The three of them at the same time. Suddenly Frank texted me.

{Hey Jill, I feel like our conversation didn't end well, are you okay?} Frank.-

I texted him back, trying to be honest without screwing it up for Tamara.

"I'm perfectly fine but you know what Frank? I think we should stop seeing each other, you're a good guy but I don't think we work, the fact you and Sam had something before and she's still interested bothers me... so I'm sorry"

I tried to be as polite as it comes, trying not to hurt his feelings even though he deserved it, I was just too good to screw Tamara's friendship.

{What? Seriously? Just because of that you think we don't work? Now you're overreacting Jill...} Frank.-

"Overreacting? Really, I don't think we work, is it that hard to understand?" I texted, my fingers were burning to tell him to fuck off, but I needed to stay calm, for me, for Tamara.

Even though she was a bad friend with me, I just couldn't blame it on her, she did tell me everything after all, I wouldn't have seen Frank's true intentions if it wasn't for Tamara.

{Okay then, it's your decision but I still think you're overreacting, being such a drama queen and all, good luck in your life, I wish you the best.} Frank.-

"Same to you" where the last words I texted him.

I never, ever spoke to him again. Ever.

You Suck At Love (Original Book)Where stories live. Discover now