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Next morning I woke up with the smell of coffee and toasts. I slowly opened my eyes to see Frank and Cory having breakfast.

"Good morning" I said getting up from bed and sitting next to them.

"So you woke up" Cory joked.

Taking a sip from his coffee Frank glanced at me. "Good morning" he said with a huge smile on his face.

"So Frank here was telling me, this weekend he and his friend are hosting this amazing party, we should go" Cory said excited.

But you already knew that didn't you. Cory is really pushing it for all of us to go and it's getting a bit annoying.

"The party... right, I don't know about that I actually have a lot to study" I reluctantly said.

"But I'd love to have you there" Frank said smiling at me.

I smiled back "I'd love to go, trust me but I really need to speed up with the study if I want to pass this test" I said with a sigh.

Cory let out a mocking sigh while I looked at him a bit upset.

"I understand, but try... I'd make me sad if you can't make it" Frank cheekily said.

"Besides I bet you'd have fun!" Cory insisted.

"Okay, I'll try" I said with a kind smile.

We had breakfast and Cory left for class, I also had class in half hour so I took a quick shower and dressed up, then I walked with Frank, we exchanged a few words and then he left off for his apartment while I went to class.

The day went by and after class I went to see Cassie for our studying session.

I took out some of my notes as she smiled.

"So, today we're going to see this" she said putting a book on the table.

"Oh well" I reluctantly said when I noticed it was a huge book.

We began reading for a bit, highlighting the important parts, some of them were a bit hard to understand but she was doing her best to explain, she then took a quick pause.

"Do you want something to drink?" she nicely asked.

I nodded. "Yeah water please" I said as she grabbed a glass of water.

She gave me the glass and sat next to me once again.

She took a deep breath before talking and put his hair behind her ear. "There's something I wanna tell you" she said smiling.

I lifted my sight from the glass of water. "What?" I asked intrigued.

She got all cheeky before answering. "There's this guy in my class, I uploaded a picture of us, the one we took last week and he commented..."

She took her phone out and she then read one comment out loud.

'Who's your friend Cassie? She's really pretty'

"So I was thinking—" she said with a smile on her face.

I knew where this was going. I might not have seen her for a while but I definitely know her. "No, I'm not going on a blind date" I interrupted her.

"Oh, hear me out at least?" she insisted.

I frowned. "Cassie..." I said with a sigh.

She got excited. "Look, he's really your type trust me, I know you'll like him, and he always asks me about you during class, he constantly tells me how pretty you are and that he wants to meet you" she said.

I let out a chuckle. "How come you know which my type is?" I asked laughing.

She mocked me rolling her eyes. "You know, not too fat but not too skinny either, very tall, preferably blond and white skinned, he also dresses like those skater guys you like" she chuckled.

I crossed my arms over my chest. "Oh really?" I sarcastically said. "Cassie have you seen my ex-boyfriends? I might have a type but I surely have made exceptions the last couple of times" I laughed.

"Don't even mention it, some of them just..." she laughed hard."But that's exactly why he can be the one! Because he's also very sweet—"

I shook my head. "Stop it Cassie, I've had enough with Cory and Tamara teasing me, if I meet him in some situation then good but I'm not forcing anything, remember not to rush things?" I said.

She looked at me for a few seconds. "Oh well... guess you're a bit right" she said with a sigh. "Forcing things is never good, besides you already have that kid right?" she said.

"Who, Frank?" I asked taking a sip from the glass.

"So his name's Frank" she chuckled.

"Yeah" I smiled looking down.

"I see you're livelier" she joked.

"What?" I blushed.

She got closer. "Tell me more" she insisted.

"Well... I met him through a friend, we went out a couple of times, he came to the dorms last night, we stayed together, and that's all" I said.

She let out a scream. "That's all? You're getting cozy" she joked poking me.

"Maybe" I said smiling.

She clapped her hands together. "But that's good, that's really good, you deserve it" she smiled.

"Thanks" I said.

So I deserve it huh? Yeah I guess I deserve a good guy in my life, we all deserve a good guy in our lives right? Someone who you can rely on, someone you trust.

We then went back to the books, after the session was over I said goodbye to Cassie and went back to the dorms.

I dropped my body on my bed and I began thinking about the party. It is going to be a huge party for sure and a part of me really wants to go— no really I'm not trying to sound cool— but the other one wants to stay in and study because I can't afford to fail this test, I don't have the conditions to pay another semester so I better stay in and study no matter how much a part of me wants to go.

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