Chapter 3

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Author's note: "hi" means that they are talking
'hi' means that they are thinking
*moves * means movement

No one's Pov:
"I'll make you pay, I'll make you suffer".   As Takemichi heard that he started crying more making Mikey more mad. As Mikey raised his hand to hit him a knock interupted him.

"Come in", Mikey said codly. The the door opened revealing Koko. "Boss it's time to meet up with that gang", Koko said. "Tch your lucky" Mikey said while glaring at Takemichi. Making the poor boy flinch. With that Mikey then left.

As soon Mikey left, Koko rushed to Takemichi's side. He then brought the crying boy in his hands. "W-why is this happening to me" "Why me" "Why", Takemichi said weakly as tears kept pouring of his ocean blue eyes. Koko didn't know what to tell the boy, so he just kept quite and huged him. Soon after Takemichi fell asleep in Koko arms.

Koko's Pov:
As I felt Takemichi got limp in my arms, I look at him and realized he was fast asleep. I then placed him on the bed that was provided for him,and left. I did  feel guilty for not being able to do anything further. But I can't disobey Mikey.

No one's Pov:
The next day, Takemichi was sleeping peacefully that is until Mikey walked in the room. As soon as he saw Takemichi sleeping he walked up to him and yanked the boy by his hair and threw him of the boy. Takemichi immediately woke up and whimpers as he felt pain shot through him. Mikey then threw some clothes on him and pointed to a door that was located in the left corner in the room. "Go bath and change we're going somewhere". Before Takemichi can ask a question Mikey left the room.

Takemichi's Pov:
After I bathed and changed into the clothes that was provided, I left the room and saw Mikey. He was dressed in a suit. "W-where are we going?", I asked. "To Ken-chin funeral".

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